Papers and conferences
Laeng, B., Nabil, S., & Kitaoka, A. (2024). Tunnel motion: Pupil dilations to optic flow within illusory dark holes. Perception, 53(10).
Kozaki, T., Seno, T., & Kitaoka, A. (2024). Illusory motion and vection induced by a printed static image under flickering ambient light at rates up to 100 Hz. I-Perception, 15(1).
Mitsuhiro, K., Watanabe, N., & Kitaoka, A. (2023). Eect of exposure duration on evaluations of facial beauty, likability, and attractiveness. VISION, 35 (4), 135–145 (in Japanese with English abstract). (光廣 可奈子・渡邊 伸行・北岡 明佳 (2023). 顔全体および顔部位の美しさ・好ましさ・魅力の違い―刺激提示時間を要因とした分析― VISION, 35 (4), 135–145.)
Kobayashi, Y., & Kitaoka, A. (2023). Developments of models for explaining lightness illusions. Japanese Psychological Review, 66(2), 131-149. (小林勇輝・北岡明佳 (2023). 明度錯視を説明するモデルと今後の展開 心理学評論, 66(2), 131-149.)
Ashida, H., & Kitaoka, A. (2023). The zooming-speed illusion: A meta illusion? I-Perception, 14(4).
Mair, A., Dadda, M., Kitaoka, A., & Agrillo, C. (2023). Illu-shoal choice: An exploration of different means for enrichment of captive zebrafish. Animals,13(16):2640. --- PDF
Kitaoka, A. (2003). Spatial color mixing and color illusions. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium 2023 by the International Research Center for Color Science and Art, 1-4. Proceeding --- PDF (manuscript)
Kobayashi, Y. & Kitaoka, A. (2022). Simple assumptions to improve Markov illuminance and reflectance. Frontier Psychology, 08 July 2022, Section Perception Science
Laeng, B., Nabil, S. & Kitaoka, A. (2022). The eye pupil adjusts to illusorily expanding holes. Frontier Human Neuroscience, 16:877249. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2022.877249
Kobayashi, T., Kitaoka, A., Kosaka, M., Tanaka, K., & Watanabe, E. (2022). Motion illusion-like patterns extracted from photo and art images using predictive deep neural networks. Scientific Reports, 12, 3893 --- PDF
Novick, D., & Kitaoka, A. (2021). The confetti illusion. Journal of Illusion, 2. --- PDF
Kitaoka, A. & Anstis, S. (2021). A review of the footsteps illusion. Journal of Illusion, 2, #5612, 1-22. PDF --- Website --- --- Movies and figures
Nishikawa, M. & Kitaoka, A. (2021). Effects of illuminance and color temperature on impressions of paintings. Journal of the Color Science Association of Japan, 45 (1), 3-12. (西川恵・北岡明佳 (2021). 照度と色温度が絵画の印象に与える効果 日本色彩学会誌, 45 (1), 3-12.) PDF
Kitaoka, A., Kawabe, T., & Yamada, Y. (2020). Introducing the Journal of Illusion. Journal of Illusion, 1(1), 1. PDF --- Website
Uesaki, M., Ashida, H., Kitaoka, A., & Pasqualotto, A. (2019). Cross-modal size-contrast illusion: Acoustic increases in intensity and bandwidth modulate haptic representation of object size. Scientific Reports, 9:14440, 1-8. [DOI 10.1038/s41598-019-50912-8] Published Online: 08 October 2019.
Gyoba, J., Sakurai, K., & Kitaoka, A. (2019). Visual phantom illusion as an integrative product of early visual processing and higher-order perceptual organization. in James M. Brown (Ed.), Pioneer visual neuroscience: A Festschrift for Naomi Weisstein, New York: Routledge (pp. 57-71).
Rogers, B., Anstis, S., Ashida, H., & Kitaoka, A. (2019). Reversed phi and the “phenomenal phenomena” revisited. i-Perception, 10 (4), 1–22. doi:10.1177/2041669519856906 --- PDF (open access)
Bertamini, M., & Kitaoka, A. (2018). Blindness to curvature and blindness to illusory curvature. i-Perception, 9(3), 1–11. doi:10.1177/2041669518776986 (open access)
Watanabe, E., Kitaoka, A., Sakamoto, K., Yasugi, M., & Tanaka, K. (2018). Illusory motion reproduced by deep neural networks trained for prediction. Frontiers in Psychology, 9 (345), 1-12.
Shapiro, A., Hedjar, L., Dixon, E., & Kitaoka, A. (2018). Kitaoka's tomato: Two simple explanations based on information in the stimulus. i-Perception, 9(1), January-February, 1-9. PDF (open access)
Kitaoka, A. (2017). The Fraser-Wilcox illusion and its extension. A. G. Shapiro and D. Todorović (Eds.), The Oxford Compendium of Visual Illusions, Oxford University Press, pp. 500-511. PDF --- Figures --- PDF (scanned copy)
Ashida, H., Ho, A., Kitaoka, A., & Anstis, S. (2017) The "Spinner" Illusion: More Dots, More Speed? i-Perception, 8(3), May-June 2017, 1–16. PDF (open access)
Kitaoka, A. (2016). Chromostereopsis. in Ming Ronnier Luo (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology, Vol.1, New York; Springer (pp. 114-125). Web
Kitaoka, A. & Anstis, S. (2015). Second-order footsteps illusions. i-Perception, 6(6), 1–4. PDF (open access) --- Movies on SAGE --- Supplement Movie --- Movie demos
Kitaoka, A. (2015). Slope illusion (Magnetic Hills) in Radan. in ART AND ITS ROLE IN THE HISTORY: BETWEEN DURABILITY AND TRANSIENT -ISMS: Dedicated to the Memory of prof. Miodrag Jovanović, Ph.D (1932–2013) (ISBN 978-86-6349-034-5), pp. 751-760. PDF
Kitaoka, A. (2014). Left bias of gaze perception in a cartoon face. Psihologija, 47(3), 315-318. PDF (open Access) --- Color images
Hecht, H., Boyarskaya, E., & Kitaoka, A. (2014). The Mona Lisa effect: Testing the limits of perceptual robustness vis-à-vis slanted images. Psihologija, 47(3), 287-301. PDF (open Access)
Kitaoka, A. (2014). Color-dependent motion illusions in stationary images and their phenomenal dimorphism. Perception, 43(9), 914-925. --- Website
Bååth, R., Seno, T., & Kitaoka, A. (2014). Cats and Illusory Motion. Psychology, 5, 1131-1134. PDF (open Access) --- PDF
Kitaoka, A. (2014). Visual illusion in ARTPOP and pop art. Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science, 32(2), 232-234. --- PDF --- PDF (scanned copy)
Seno, T., Kitaoka, A., & Palmisano, S. (2013). Vection induced by illusory motion in a stationary image. Perception, 42, 1001-1005.
Kanazawa, S., Kitaoka, A., & Yamaguchi, M. K. (2013). Infants see illusory motion in static figures. Perception, 42, 828-834.
Stevanov, J., Spehar, B., Ashida, H., & Kitaoka, A. (2012). Anomalous Motion Illusion Contributes to Visual Preference. Frontiers in Perception Science, 3, Article 528, 1-11. PDF (open access)
Takemura, H., Ashida, H., Amano, K., Kitaoka, A., & Murakami, I. (2012). Neural correlates of induced motion perception in the human brain. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(41), 14344-14354. PDF (open access)
Araragi, Y., Aotani, T., & Kitaoka, A. (2012). Evidence for a size underestimation of upright faces. Perception, 41, 840-853.
Kitaoka, A. (2012). The Fraser-Wilcox illusion group: Its phenomena and models. IEICE Technical Report, 112(68), NC2012-24, 57-60 (in Japanese with English abstract).
Kitaoka, A. (2012). A review of face illusions. BRAIN and NERVE, 64(7), 779-791 (in Japanese with English abstract). Info
Ashida, H., Kuriki, I., Murakami, I., Hisakata, R. & Kitaoka, A. (2012). Direction-specific fMRI adaptation reveals the visual cortical network underlying the "Rotating Snakes" illusion. NeuroImage, 61, 1143–1152.
Stevanov, J., Marković, S., & Kitaoka, A. (2012). Aesthetic valence of visual illusions. i-Perception, 3(2), 112–140. PDF available (open access)
Ueda, S., Kitaoka, A., & Suga, T. (2011). Wobbling appearance of a face induced by doubled parts. Perception, 40, 751-756.
Araragi, Y. & Kitaoka, A. (2011). Increment of the extinction illusion by long stimulation. Perception 40, 604-620.
Watanabe, E., Matsunaga, W., & Kitaoka, A. (2010). Motion signals deflect relative positions of moving objects. Vision Research, 50, 2381-2390.
Kitaoka, A. (2010). A brief classification of colour illusions. Colour: Design & Creativity, 5 (3), 1-9. PDF
Fermüller, C., Ji, H., & Kitaoka, A. (2010). Illusory motion due to causal time filtering. Vision Research, 50, 315-329.
Kuriki, I., Ashida, H., Murakami, I., & Kitaoka, A. (2008). Functional brain imaging of the Rotating Snakes illusion by fMRI. Journal of Vision, 8(10):16, 1-10. PDF ---
Journal of Vision Volume 8, Number 10, Article 16, Pages 1-10
Functional brain imaging of the Rotating Snakes illusion by fMRI
Ichiro Kuriki
Hiroshi Ashida
Ikuya Murakami
Akiyoshi Kitaoka
Kitaoka, A. (2008). A new type of the optimized Fraser-Wilcox illusion in a 3D-like 2D image with highlight or shade. Journal of Three Dimensional Images (Japan), 22(4), 31-32. PDF --- PDF (manuscript but the same as the printed one) Presentation
Noguchi, K., Kitaoka, A., & Takashima, M. (2008). Gestalt-oriented perceptual research in Japan: Past and present. Gestalt Theory, 30, 11-28. Figures --- PDF request to me
Kitaoka, A. (2008). Cognitive psychology of visual illusion. Japanese Journal of Cognitive Psychology,5, 177-185 (in Japanese with English abstract). PDF request to me
Kitaoka, A. (2007). Psychological approaches to art. Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science,26, 97-102 (in Japanese with English abstract). PDF
Kitaoka, A. & Ashida, H. (2007). A variant of the anomalous motion illusion based upon contrast and visual latency. Perception, 36, 1019-1035. --- --- PDF request to me
Kitaoka, A. (2007). Tilt illusions after Oyama (1960): A review. Japanese Psychological Research, 49, 7-19. PDF --- PDF available (open access) = Website ---
Kitaoka, A. (2006). The effect of color on the optimized Fraser-Wilcox illusion. Paper presented for the 9th L'ORÉAL Art and Science of Color Prize, Tokyo (pp.1-16) (Gold prize was given). MS-Word manuscript (75MB)
Kitaoka, A., Gyoba, J., & Sakurai, K. (2006). Chapter 13 The visual phantom illusion: a perceptual product of surface completion depending on brightness and contrast. Progress in Brain Research, 154 (Visual Perception Part 1), 247-262. PubMed PBR PDF Reprint request to me
Kitaoka, A. (2006). Anomalous motion illusion and stereopsis. Journal of Three Dimensional Images (Japan), 20(4), 9-14. PDF --- PDF(2) --- PDF (manuscript but the same as the printed one)
Kitaoka, A. (2006). Configurational coincidence among six phenomena: A comment on van Lier and Csathó (2006). Perception, 35, 799-806. Animations (Movies) --- Animations 1-3 (screen capture mp4) --- Animations 4-5 (screen capture mp4) --- Animations 6-7 (screen capture mp4) --- Animations 8 (a)-(e) (screen capture mp4) --- Animations 8 (f)-(i) (screen capture mp4) --- PDF request to me --- Movies (in SAGE)
Murakami, I., Kitaoka, A. & Ashida, H. (2006). A positive correlation between fixation instability and the strength of illusory motion in a static display. Vision Research, 46, 2421-2431. PDF request should be sent to Dr. Murakami
Kitaoka, A, Kuriki, I. & Ashida, H. (2006). The center-of-gravity model of chromostereopsis. Ritsumeikan Journal of Human Sciences, 11, 59-64. PDF
Kitaoka, A. (2005). A new explanation of perceptual transparency connecting the X-junction contrast-polarity model with the luminance-based arithmetic model. Japanese Psychological Research, 47, 175-187. PDF
Conway, R. B., Kitaoka, A., Yazdanbakhsh, A., Pack, C. C., & Livingstone, M. S. (2005). Neural basis for a powerful static motion illusion. Journal of Neuroscience, 25, 5651-5656. PDF request should be sent to Dr. Conway
Ashida, H., Sakurai, K. & Kitaoka, A. (2005). A new variant of the Ouchi illusion reveals Fourier-component-based processing. Perception, 34, 381-390. PDF request should be sent to Dr. Ashida
Kitaoka, A. (2005). Reality of geometrical illusion. Journal of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, 10(1), 8-12 (in Japanese). PDF (scanned copy)
Kitaoka, A., Ashida, H., & Murakami, I. (2005). Does the peripheral drift illusion generate illusory motion in depth? Journal of Three Dimensional Images (Tokyo), 19, 6-8. PDF (scanned copy) (poor quality) --- MS-Word file (manuscript, the same as the paper) (high quality) --- PDF (manuscript, the same as the paper) (lower quality)
Kitaoka, A., Pinna, B., & Brelstaff, G. (2004). Contrast polarities determine the direction of Café Wall tilts. Perception, 33, 11-20. Website
Kitaoka, A. (2003). The frame of reference in anomalous motion illusions and ergonomics of human fallacy. Ritsumeikan Journal of Human Sciences, 6, 77-80. PDF
Kitaoka, A. & Ashida, H. (2003). Phenomenal characteristics of the peripheral drift illusion. VISION (Journal of the Vision Society of Japan), 15, 261-262. PDF
Kitaoka, A., Gyoba, J., Kawabata, H., & Sakurai, K. (2001). Perceptual continuation and depth in visual phantoms can be explained by perceptual transparency. Perception, 30, 959-968. Reprint or PDF request to me.
Kitaoka, A., Gyoba, J., Kawabata, H., & Sakurai, K. (2001). Two competing mechanisms underlying neon color spreading, visual phantoms and grating induction. Vision Research, 41, 2347-2354. Reprint or PDF request to me.
Kitaoka, A., Pinna, B., & Brelstaff, G. (2001). New variations of spiral illusions. Perception, 30, 637-646. PDF request to me.---
Kitaoka, A., Gyoba, J., Sakurai, K., & Kawabata, H. (2001). Similarity between Petter's effect and visual phantoms. Perception, 30, 519-522. Reprint or PDF request to me.
Kitaoka, A. & Ishihara, M. (2000). Three elemental illusions determine the Zöllner illusion. Perception & Psychophysics, 62, 569-575. Reprint request to me.
Kitaoka, A., Gyoba, J., & Kawabata, H. (1999). Photopic visual phantom illusion: Its common and unique characteristics as a completion effect. Perception, 28, 825-834. Reprint request to me
Kitaoka, A. (1998). Apparent contraction of edge angles. Perception, 27, 1209-1219. Website
Kobayashi, Y., Kanamaru, M., & Kitaoka, A. (2023). Free and fast implementations of a novel lightness computational model. Vision Sciences Society 2023, St. Pete Beach (FL, USA).
Kitaoka, A. (2021). A Javascript program to create images of color illusion by histogram compression in RGB. ECVP2021 Showtime!, August 22, 2021, 18:32 - 18:40, talk, online. Presentation (html) --- Twitter
Kitaoka, A. (2019). The effect of color temperature on the color-dependent Fraser-Wilcox illusion. 15th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV2019), Ritsumeikan University Osaka-Ibaraki Campus, Ibaraki, Osaka, Japan, July 31, 2019. Presentation (html) --- Handout (doc)
Mitsuhiro, K and Kitaoka, A. (2019). Gender Recognition Biased by Facial Beauty, Likability, and Attractiveness. 15th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV2019), Ritsumeikan University Osaka-Ibaraki Campus, Ibaraki, Osaka, Japan, July 31, 2019.
Usui, K. and Kitaoka, A. (2019). A new demonstration of amodal completion implied in Oyama’s (1960) figure-ground reversible image. 15th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV2019), Ritsumeikan University Osaka-Ibaraki Campus, Ibaraki, Osaka, Japan, July 29, 2019.
Kitaoka, A. (2016). Motion illusions in stationary images. Invited Address, 31st International Congress of Psychology (ICP2016), PACIFICO Yokohama, Japan, July 28, 2016. Presentation (html) --- Handout (doc)
Kitaoka, A. (2016). Visual phantoms and perceptual transparency. in Thematic Session entitled "The visual phantom illusion revisited" organized by Jiro Gyoba, 31st International Congress of Psychology (ICP2016), PACIFICO Yokohama, Japan, July 25, 2016. Presentation (html)
Tai, T. and Kitaoka, A. (2016). The Bogart illusion inverted. 31st International Congress of Psychology (ICP2016), PACIFICO Yokohama, Japan, July 26, 2016.
Mitsuhiro, K. and Kitaoka, A. (2016). The role of eye characteristics in facial beauty, likability and attractiveness. 31st International Congress of Psychology (ICP2016), PACIFICO Yokohama, Japan, July 27, 2016.
Matsushita, S. and Kitaoka, A. (2016). The role of blur in the motion illusion induced by the luminance gradient in stationary images. 31st International Congress of Psychology (ICP2016), PACIFICO Yokohama, Japan, July 27, 2016.
Kitaoka, A. (2016). Visual phantoms and perceptual transparency. in Thematic Session entitled "The visual phantom illusion revisited" organized by Jiro Gyoba, 31st International Congress of Psychology (ICP2016), PACIFICO Yokohama, Japan, July 25, 2016. Presentation (html)
Kitaoka, A. (2015). Color constancy and the vein color illusion. 38th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP) (Liverpool), Poster 2P1M060, August 25, 2015. Presentation (html) --- Poster (doc)
Kitaoka, A. (2015). Spatial color mixture and its relevance to the Munker illusion. Illusion Parade, 38th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP) (Liverpool), August 25, 2015. Presentation (html) --- Poster (doc)
Kitaoka, A. (2015). Color-dependent motion illusions in stationary images: What causes illusory motion? International Symposium on Psychological vs Mathematical Approaches to Optical Illusion (Tokyo Symposium on Optical Illusion 2015), Meiji University, Nakano Campus, Tokyo, Japan, 15:10-16:10 March 5, 2015. Presentation (html)
Kitaoka, A. (2015). Color Illusions Accompanied by Color Constancy Phenomena. Demoes at the Exhibition, International Symposium on Psychological vs Mathematical Approaches to Optical Illusion (Tokyo Symposium on Optical Illusion 2015), Meiji University, Nakano Campus, Tokyo, Japan, March 5-7, 2015. Demo (PDF)
Kikuchi, S. and Kitaoka, A. (2015). Effects of Surface Inclination and Nose Direction on the Perception of Gaze Direction. Demoes at the Exhibition, International Symposium on Psychological vs Mathematical Approaches to Optical Illusion (Tokyo Symposium on Optical Illusion 2015), Meiji University, Nakano Campus, Tokyo, Japan, March 5-7, 2015.
Higashimuki, K. and Kitaoka, A. (2015). Stable and Unstable Triangles: a New Gestalt Illusion. Demoes at the Exhibition, International Symposium on Psychological vs Mathematical Approaches to Optical Illusion (Tokyo Symposium on Optical Illusion 2015), Meiji University, Nakano Campus, Tokyo, Japan, March 5-7, 2015.
Kitaoka, A. (2014). A new type of the color-dependent Fraser-Wilcox illusion. Perception 43 (37th) ECVP (Belgrade) Abstract Supplement, page 20 (Poster #17 August 25, 2014). Presentation (html) --- Poster (doc) --- Handout (doc) --- Illusion Night Handout (jpeg) --- Illusion Night Questionnaire (docx)
Ashida, H. and Kitaoka, A. (2014). Revisiting the influence of spatial frequency on the perception of rotating speed. Perception 43 (37th) ECVP (Belgrade) Abstract Supplement, page 65 (Talk August 26, 2014).
Stevanov, J., Ashida, H., Uesaki, M., and Kitaoka, A. (2014). Neural substrates of the local-to-global shift in mosaic images. Perception 43 (37th) ECVP (Belgrade) Abstract Supplement, page 10 (Talk August 25, 2014).
Kitaoka, A. (2014). Motion illusion induced by color changes. 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV), Sunport Takamatsu, Takamatsu, Japan, (Poster July 20, 2014 (P2-16)). Poster MS-Word doc file --- Movie demos
< Kitaoka, A. (2014). Motion illusion induced by color changes. Vision, APCV2014, p. 111 (P2-16). >
Matsushita, S., Muramatsum S., and Kitaoka, A. (2014). Your eyes want to see the illusion: Directional asymmetry of eye movements increases illusory motion. 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV), Sunport Takamatsu, Takamatsu, Japan, (Poster July 20, 2014 (P2-11)).
< Matsushita, S., Muramatsum S., and Kitaoka, A. (2014). Your eyes want to see the illusion: Directional asymmetry of eye movements increases illusory motion. Vision, APCV2014, p. 109 (P2-11). >
Kitaoka, A. and Yanaka, H. (2013). Reversal of the color-dependent Fraser-Wilcox illusion under a dark condition. Perception 42 (36th) ECVP (Bremen) Abstract Supplement, page 97 (Poster August 27, 2013). Poster PDF
Yanaka, K., Hilano, T., and Kitaoka, A. (2013). Drifting triangles illusion and its enhancement by shaking or blinking. Perception 42 (36th) ECVP (Bremen) Abstract Supplement, page 96 (Poster August 27, 2013).
Tomoeda, A., Tsuinashi, S., Kitaoka, A., and Sugihara, K. (2013). Traffic jam: a new method to reduce drivers' illusion of the road slope by drawing stripe patterns on the side walls. Perception 42 (36th) ECVP (Bremen) Abstract Supplement, page 101 (Poster August 27, 2013).
Matsushita, S., Muramatsu, S., and Kitaoka, A. (2013). Influence of saccade direction on illusory motion. Perception 42 (36th) ECVP (Bremen) Abstract Supplement, page 39 (Poster August 26, 2013).
Stevanov, J., Uesaki, M., Kitaoka, A., Ashida, H., and Hecht, H. (2013). ‘Face inversion effect’ on perception of the vertical gaze direction. Perception 42 (36th) ECVP (Bremen) Abstract Supplement, page 199 (Poster August 28, 2013).
Kitaoka, A. (2013). The color-dependent Fraser-Wilcox illusion: motion direction is reversed depending on luminance. Talk in "Illusions and delusions" in the Barn, Leinroden, Germany, August 23, 2013. Presentation
Kitaoka, A. (2013). Color-dependent anomalous motion illusion and its reversal. Talk in the 2013 Winter Meeting of the Vision Society of Japan, January 23, 2013, Kogakuin University, Tokyo, Japan. Presentation
Kitaoka, A. (2012). Archives of visual illusion images. Poster of Visiome Platform team, INCF Japan Node International Symposium Advances in Neuroinformatics 2012, Ohkouchi Hall, RIKEN, Wako-shi, Saitama, JAPAN (October 30, 2012) Poster PDF
Kitaoka, A. (2012). Face illusions. Talk in the 17th JFACE Annual Conference (Forum Kaogaku 212), October 13, 2012, Tokyo Denki University, Tokyo, Japan. Presentation
Kitaoka, A. (2012). The Fraser-Wilcox illusion and its extension. Perception 41 ECVP Abstract Supplement, page 91 (Poster September 3, 2012). Poster PDF
Yanaka, K., Hilano, T., and Kitaoka, A. (2012). Modification of each color component and shaking to enhance optimized Fraser-Wilcox Illusions. Perception 41 ECVP Abstract Supplement, page 90 (Poster September 3, 2012).
Araragi, Y., Aotani, T., and Kitaoka, A. (2012). Evidence of a size underestimation of upright faces. Perception 41 ECVP Abstract Supplement, page 115 (Poster September 3, 2012).
Stevanov J, Uesaki M, Ashida H, Carlson T, Cupchik G, Kitaoka A, (2012). Neural correlates of perceptual pleasure and "Aha" experiences triggered by perceptual flips in ambiguous images. Perception 41 ECVP Abstract Supplement, page 61 (Talk September 6, 2012)
Stevanov, J., Spehar, B. and Kitaoka, A. (2012). Magnitude and preference judgments of the optimized Fraser-Wilcox illusion Type II patterns. 1st Visual Science of Art Conference, 1-2 September 2012, Alghero, Italy (poster September 1, 2012).
Takemura, H., Ashida, H., Amano, K., Kitaoka, A., and Murakami, I. (2012). Neural correlates of induced motion revealed by fMRI. VSS Annual Meeting in Naples, Florida. Poster (Sunday, May 13, 2012, 2:45 - 6:30 pm).
Takemura, H., Ashida, H., Amano, K., Kitaoka, A., and Murakami, I. (2011). Neural correlates of induced motion in the human brain. The 34th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society -Neuroscience of Mind-, Pacifico Yokohama, Oral Session, September 15, 16:45-17:00.
Stevanov J, Kitaoka A, Jankovic D, 2011, ""Rotating snakes" illusion: Changes in pattern layout affect perceived strength of illusory motion" Perception 40 ECVP Abstract Supplement, page 200 (poster September 1, 2011)
Araragi Y, Aotani T, Kitaoka A, 2011, "Overestimation in size of inverted face to upright face phenomenon" Perception 40 ECVP Abstract Supplement, page 119 (poster August 30, 2011)
Boyarskaya E, Hecht H, Kitaoka A, 2011, "When does the Monalisa effect break down?" Perception 40 ECVP Abstract Supplement, page 221 (poster September 1, 2011)
Ueda S, Kitaoka A, 2011, "Influence of parts duplicating on identification of facial parts" Perception 40 ECVP Abstract Supplement, page 72 (poster August 29, 2011)
Stevanov, J., Marković, S., and Kitaoka, A. (2010). Aesthetic aspects of visual illusions: an experimental study. Visual Perception & Visual Arts, Art & Perception Conference 2010, Brussels, November 23-24, 2010.
Kitaoka, A. (2010). Face illusions. Talk in the symposium "Multiphasic approaches to elucidate face perception", Japanese Psychological Association, the 74th Conference, September 20, 2010, 15:30-17:30, Osaka University. Presentation (html)
Kitaoka, A. (2010). The Fraser illusion family and the corresponding motion illusions. 33rd European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2010), EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2010/8/22-26, 8/26 poster publication. Poster (Kitaoka, A. (2010) The Fraser illusion family and the corresponding motion illusions. Perception, 39, Supplement, #61, p. 178)
Araragi,Y. and Kitaoka, A. (2010). The effect of stimulus duration on the extinction illusion. 33rd European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2010), EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2010/8/22-26, 8/26 poster publication.(Araragi,Y. and Kitaoka, A. (2010) The effect of stimulus duration on the extinction illusion. Perception, 39, Supplement, #61, p. 177)
Stevanov, J. and Kitaoka, A. (2010). Aesthetic dimension of visual illusions. 33rd European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2010), EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2010/8/22-26, 8/26 poster publication. (Stevanov, J. and Kitaoka, A. (2010) Aesthetic dimension of visual illusions. Perception, 39, Supplement, #57, p. 177)
Kitaoka, A. (2009). A brief classification of colour illusions. In Proceedings of the 11th Congress of the International Colour Association (AIC 2009), edited by Dianne Smith, Paul Green-Armytage, Margaret A. Pope and Nick Harkness. CD. Sydney: Colour Society of Australia (talk on September 29, 2009) Presentation (html) --- PDF --- Manuscript
Kitaoka, A. (2009). Memories of the two excellent Gestalt psychologists Professors Kaoru Noguchi and Walter Ehrenstein by Akiyoshi Kitaoka. Talk in a session (Memories of Professor Kaoru Noguchi) in the 42nd Annual Convention of the Chikaku Colloquium (Perception Colloquium), hosted by the Kyushu University, Shikanoshima, Fukuoka, March 22, 2009. Presentation (html)
Kitaoka, A. (2008). Optimized Fraser-Wilcox illusions: A pictorial classification by Akiyoshi Kitaoka. Talk in a workshop (WS005) in the 72nd Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, September 19, 2008. Presentation (html)
Kuriki, I., Ashida, H., Murakami, I., and Kitaoka, A. (2008). Functional brain imaging of the 'Rotating Snakes' illusion. Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting Abstract, Journal of Vision, 8(6),64a.
Kitaoka, A. (2008). Visual illusions and mathematics. Talk in the meeting "Nonlinear Mathematical Tokyo Forum" of the Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo, February 2, 2008. Presentation (html)
Kitaoka, A. and Murakami, I. (2007). Rotating Ouchi illusion. Poster presentation in VSS2007, Sarasota, Florida, USA, May 15, 2007. Abstract (MS-Word) VSS2007 Abstract (including all) (PDF)
(Kitaoka, A., & Murakami, I. (2007). Rotating Ouchi illusion [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 7(9):984, 984a,,doi:10.1167/7.9.984.)
Kitaoka, A. (2007). Phenomenal classification of the “optimized” Fraser-Wilcox illusion and the effect of color. Poster presentation in DemoNight, VSS2007, GWiz, Sarasota, Florida, USA, May 14, 2007.
Kitaoka, A. (2007). A new motion illusion in a stationary image characterized by line drawing. Talk presentaton in the 2007's winter meeting of the Vision Society of Japan at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Meguro, Tokyo, February 1, 2007. Presentation (html in Japanese)
Kitaoka, A. (2006). Anomalous motion illusion and stereopsis. Paper presented in the 20th Anniversary (77th Meeting) of the 3D Forum, University of Electro-Communications, Chofu, Tokyo, Japan, September 8, 2006. Presentation (html) Handout (MS-Word)
Kanazawa, S., Kitaoka, A. and Yamaguchi, M. K. (2006). Infants see the “Rotating Snake” illusion. Dorsal and ventral streams in the visual system (Talk): Monday, 21 August 2006; 12:00-12:30 (29th European Conference on Visual Perception, St-Petersburg, Russia, 20th-25th August, 2006) Abstract
Kitaoka, A. (2006). Luminance-gradient-dependent brightness contrast. The 39th Chikaku (Perception) Colloquium, Takayama, Japan, March 23, 2006. Presentation (html)
Kitaoka, A. (2006). Ilusions of brightness or lightness. Professor Alan Gilchrist's talk in Ritsumeikan, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan, March 17, 2006. Presentation (html), Program
Kitaoka, A., Gyoba, J. and Sakurai, K. (2005). The visual phantom illusion:
A perceptual product of surface completion depending on brightness and
contrast. In the 28th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP2005),
A Coruña, Spain, 2005/8/22-26, 8/23 Symposium entitled "Adaptation,
brightness and contrast". Presentation (html) with ECVP waves (html)
(Kitaoka, A., Gyoba, J. and Sakurai, K. (2005) The visual phantom illusion:
A perceptual product of surface completion depending on brightness and
contrast. Perception, 34, Supplement, p. 5)
Kitaoka, A. (2005). On motion illusion in a stationary image. The 2nd symposium entitled "To know, record or explore 'kansei' 2", COE, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan, July 5, 2005. Presentation (html)
Kitaoka, A. (2005). Illusion and color perception. Journal of the Color Science Association of Japan, 29 (Supplement), 150-151 (in Japanese).(University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, May 29, 2005). PDF (scanned copy) --- Presentation (html)
Kitaoka, A. (2005). Is age related to the peripheral drift illusion? An instant study. Informal presentation in VSS2005, Sarasota, Florida, USA, May 10, 2005. PDF
Kitaoka, A. (2005). Waving illusion produced by the peripheral drift illusion. Paper presented in the Demo Night in Vision Sciences Society 5th Annual Meeting (VSS2005), Sarasota, Florida, USA, May 9, 2005. Handout (PDF file) --- Posters (html file)
Kitaoka, A., Ashida, H., and Murakami, I. (2005). Does the peripheral drift illusion generate illusory motion in depth? Paper presented in the 71st Meeting of the 3D Forum, Chukyo University, Nagoya, Japan, March 12, 2005. Presentation (html)
Murakami, I., Kitaoka, A. and Ashida, H. (2004). A peripheral motion illusion and fixational eye movements. Paper presented in the 27th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Osaka, Japan, September 21-23, 2004, September 21 oral publication. Abstract (html)
Kitaoka, A. (2004). The outdoor illusion. Paper presented in the workshop entitled "Ecological illusion" in the 68th conference
of the Japanese Psychological Association, Kansai University, Osaka, Japan, 2004/9/12-14
, 9/12 oral publication. Presentation (html) (in Japanese)
Kitaoka, A. (2004). Progress in the study of visual phantoms. Paper presented
in the 37th Chikaku Colloquium (Meeting of Perception) held in the Kaminoyama-onsen,
Yamagata-ken, Japan, 2004/3/29-31
, 3/31 oral publication. Presentation (html)
Kitaoka, A. and Ashida, H. (2004). A new anomalous motion illusion: the
"central drift illusion". The 2004's winter meeting of the Vision Society of Japan at the Kogakuin
University, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan, 2004/1/26-28
, 1/26 oral publication. Presentation (html)
Kitaoka, A. and Ashida, H. (2003). Phenomenal characteristics of the peripheral drift illusion. The 2003's summer meeting of the Vision Society of Japan at the Shonan
Kokusai-mura Center, Hayama, Kanagawa, Japan, 2003/7/21-23
, 7/21 poster publication. Abstract with figures (html)
--- Paper (PDF)
Kitaoka, A. (2003). A quantitative study of spiral illusion. Bulletin of
the 67th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, pp.
481. (2003/9/13-15
, 9/13 poster presentation) Abstract of the bulletin page (html)
--- Handout (MS-Word) (555KB)
Ashida, H. and Kitaoka, A. (2003). A gradient-based model of the peripheral drift illusion. 26th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP2003), Paris, France, 2003/9/1-5, 9/3 poster publication. Abstract (ECVP page)
Kitaoka, A. (2003). Animation that does not require animation: Art of anomalous
motion illusion or "minimal animation". Published in the fifth
annual meeting of the Japan Society for Animation Studies (2003/6/28-29)
at the Kyoto University of Art and Design, Kyoto, Japan. Abstract with figures (html)
Kitaoka, A. and Ashida, H. (2002). An anomalous motion illusion based upon signal delay. 25th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP2002), Glasgow, UK, 2002/8/25-29, 8/29 poster publication. Abstract (Perception page) (Kitaoka, A. and Ashida, H. (2002) An anomalous motion illusion based upon signal delay. Perception, 31, Supplement, p. 162)--- Handout
Ashida, H., Kitaoka, A., and Sakurai, K. (2002). A Fourier approach to the Ouchi-type anomalous-motion illusion. 25th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP2002), Glasgow, UK, 2002/8/25-29, 8/25 poster publication. Abstract (Perception page) (Ashida, H., Kitaoka, A., and Sakurai, K. (2002) A Fourier approach to the Ouchi-type anomalous-motion illusion. Perception, 31, Supplement, p. 84)
Kitaoka, A. (2002). A classification of anomalous motion illusions. Visual Localization in Space-Time 2002, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, 2002/8/22-24, 8/23 poster publication. Abstract (page of the University of Sussex) --- Handout (MS-Word) (331KB)
Kitaoka, A. (2001). A new theory of perceptual transparency explains neon color spreading. (Joint Swiss-Japanese Scientific Seminar: Visual Perception and Perceptual Processing applied to New Media Research, the Nara Hotel, September 25-28 (presentation on 25), 2001
Kitaoka, A., Gyoba, J. Kawabata, H. (2000). The neon color spreading illusion as a variation of visual phantoms. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), 2000/4/30-5/5, 5/1 poster publication. (Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 2000, 41(4), S228, Abstract nr 1197)
Sakurai, K., Kawabata, H., Sasaki, H. and Kitaoka, A. (2000). Effects of occluder luminance on appearance of moving visual phantoms induced by second-order components. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), 2000/4/30-5/5, 5/1 poster publication. (Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 2000, 41(4), S228, Abstract nr 1199)
Kitaoka, A. and Sato, T. (1999). The spiral illusion via the Cafe Wall illusion. 22th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP99), Trieste, Italy, 1999/8/22-26, 8/25 poster publication. (Kitaoka, A. and Sato, T. (1999) The spiral illusion via the Cafe Wall illusion. Perception, 28, Supplement, p. 120) --- Handout (MS-Word ) --- Handout (PDF, of lower quality than the MS-Word file)
Scientific American Mind, Special Issue: 169 Best Illusions (2010).
Scientific American Reports, Special Edition on Perception (2008).
Ramachandran, V. S. and Rogers-Ramachandran, D. (2007) A Moving Experience: How the eyes can see movement where it does not exist. Scientific American Mind, February/March, 14-16.
Gregory R, 2006 "Reviews, Gregory on Kitaoka: Trick eyes: Magical illusions that will activate the brain, and Trick eyes graphics" Perception 35 999