Research Project:
“Implicit creative cognition and conscious control” 2015–2019 JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research ⟨KAKENHI⟩
No: 15H02717

 this research project

It is widely believed that the working of our minds is based on two types of mental processing: controlled mental processing and automatic, unconscious processing. Such a view has prevailed for many years in cognitive science, psychology, and various other fields, and it has prompted a myriad of theories. However, it is no exaggeration to say that the nature of the relationship and interactions between these two types of processing remain largely unknown. Accordingly, in the present research, we focus on creative activity, wherein the duality of the mind is most apparent, and conduct experiments aimed at elucidating the dynamic relationship between the two types of processing.

What’s New?

A research meeting of the project FY2018 take place at Ritsumeikan University, Osaka Ibaraki campus.
A research meeting of the project FY2017 take place at Ritsumeikan University, Osaka Ibaraki campus.
A research meeting of the project FY2016 take place at Ritsumeikan University, Osaka Ibaraki campus.
English site is opened.
The site is opened. (Thanks to Yurie Hirogaki)

Last updated: Friday, 29-Mar-2019 3:17 pm

Site set up: 2-Mar-2016, by Yurie Hirogaki (alumna of Hattori lab)