Rotating illusion @ECVP2014

since August 15, 2014

(Ellipses: R255, G0, B0; Background: R140, G140, B140)

and (Dark sides: R102, G102, B102; Bright sides: R220, G220, B220)

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (August 15, 16, 17)

(Ellipses: R255, G0, B0; Background: R200, G0, B255)

(Ellipses: R255, G0, B0; Background: R140, G140, B255)

(Ellipses: R255, G0, B0; Background: R0, G180, B255)
Illusion appears to be weak.

(Ellipses: R255, G0, B0; Background: R0, G200, B0)
Illusion appears to be weak.

(Ellipses: R255, G0, B0; Background: R140, G140, B0)

(Ellipses: R255, G0, B255; Background: R140, G140, B255)

(Ellipses: R255, G140, B0; Background: R200, G140, B255)

(Ellipses: R255, G0, B0; Background: R200, G130, B130)

(Ellipses: R200, G200, B0; Background: R100, G150, B200)

(Ellipses: R190, G190, B0; Background: R90, G130, B255)

(Ellipses: R140, G140, B140; Background: R255, G0, B0)

(Background: R200, G0, B255)

"Rotating heart rings: 2014 summer"

Each ring appears to rotate.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (August 15)

(Background: R140, G140, B255)

(Background: R140, G140, B140)

(Background: R0, G160, B255)
This image shows a weak illusion.

(Background: R140, G140, B0)

(Hearts: R255, G0, B255; Background: R140, G140, B255)

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2013 (February 6)

"Frosen tunas"

The upper row appears to wobble rightward whereas the lower one to move leftward.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (August 16)

"Amazed duck"

Each red ring appears to expand.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (August 16)



"Rotation of red rings"

Each ring appears to rotate clockwise when it appears whereas each ring appears to rotate counterclockwise when it disappears.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (August 18)



"Rotation of red rings: alternation with red background"

Each ring appears to rotate counterclockwise when it appears whereas each ring appears to rotate clockwise when it disappears.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (August 18)



"Rotation of red rings: alternation with green background"

Each ring appears to rotate clockwise when it appears whereas each ring appears to rotate counterclockwise when it disappears.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (August 18)



"Rotation of red rings: alternation with blue background"

Each ring appears to rotate clockwise when it appears whereas each ring appears to rotate counterclockwise when it disappears.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (August 18)

Rotational illusion #34

Rotational illusion #33

Rotational illusion #32

Rotational illusion #31

Rotational illusion #30

Rotational illusion #29

Rotational illusion #28

Rotational illusion #27

Rotational illusion #26

Rotational illusion #25

Rotational illusion #24

Rotational illusion #23

Rotational illusion #22

Rotational illusion #21

Rotational illusion #20

Rotational illusion #19

Rotational illusion #18

Rotational illusion #17

Rotational illusion #16

Rotational illusion #15

Rotational illusion #14

Rotational illusion #13

Rotational illusion #12

Rotational illusion #11

Rotational illusion #10

#9 #8 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1

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