2014年8月3日(日) 13:30~14:30

錯覚教室 『回って・揺らして・酔わせちゃう?!目の錯覚を作り出す錯視アートのひみつ』

立命館大学文学部人文学科心理学専攻(心理学域) 北岡 明佳 email HP
立命館大学 文学部 心理学専攻

配布物1(蛇の回転) --- 配布物2(色依存のFW錯視) --- 配布物3(最適化型FW錯視の基本図形)
配布物4(「踊るハート達」) --- ハンドアウト5(逆遠近法)





Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2011 (August 22)

「逆遠近法」("reverspective")はアーテイスト Patrick Hugh の作品で有名。日本では、関西大学の Norman Cook 先生が研究している。


展開図 高解像度ファイル


Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (March 5)



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2006 (December 20)


「踊るハート達」 (MS-Word ファイル)
北岡明佳 (2006) 色が強くなる錯視 A・F・Tジャーナル, 31 (Summer), pp. 01.

cf. プルフリッヒ効果

低輝度コントラスト→脳内処理時間が長い <our finding!>

1. High-luminance parts show shorter latency than low-luminance part.
2. High-contrast parts show shorter latency than low-contrast part. <our finding!>
Kitaoka, A. and Ashida, H. (2007) A variant of the anomalous motion illusion based upon contrast and visual latency. Perception, 36, 1019-1035. PDF

cf. 踊るハート(fluttering-heart illusion)

(Helmholtz, 1867; Nguyen-Tri and Faubert 2003; von Grünau 1975a, 1975b, 1976; von Kries 1896)

中山明子 (2008) 「踊るハート」錯視(1844)と「踊るハート達」錯視(2006)の比較検証 2008年度立命館大学文学部(人文学科心理学専攻)卒業論文



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2013 (January 18)



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2013 (January 21)



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (July 31)

large bitmap


Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2012 (August 23)


Kitaoka, A. (2010) The Fraser illusion family and the corresponding motion illusions. 33rd European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2010), EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2010/8/22-26, 8/26 poster publication. Poster (Kitaoka, A. (2010) The Fraser illusion family and the corresponding motion illusions. Perception, 39, Supplement, #61, p. 178)


Kitaoka, A. (2014). Visual illusion in ARTPOP and pop art. Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science, 32(2), 232-234. PDF, PDF (scanned copy)



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2008 (March 11)



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2013 (February 5)

『ヴィーナスの誕生』 サンドロ・ボッティチェリ作 1483年頃



"Fractal Illusion" and "Fractal Zap"

Copyright Jeff Berkeley 1993 (Fractal Illusion), 1994 (Fractal Zap)

((c) 2000 Lifesmith Classic Fractals, Palmdale, CA, USA; 16-045 Published by AQUAIUS; Printed in the UK. www.aquariusimages.com; 福井県こども歴史文化館による情報)

"These are two of my fractal posters still sold at stores like Spencer's Gifts... "


静止画が動いて見える錯視 フレーザー・ウィルコックス錯視群

「蛇の回転 2011」


Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2011 (January 23)

EPSON PM-4000PXの写真用紙印刷に調整したバージョン

黒→濃い灰色→白→薄い灰色→黒 の方向に動いて見える。

Direction: black → dark-gray → white → light-gray → black



北岡明佳著 人はなぜ錯視にだまされるのか? トリック・アイズ メカニズム カンゼン刊

(定価:1,600円(税別) ISBN 978-4-86255-020-0) アマゾンのページ



北岡明佳著 錯視入門 朝倉書店 (2010年7月)  new! 


北岡明佳(監修) ニュートン別冊 脳はなぜだまされるのか? 錯視 完全図解 (2007年10月刊行)




白黒縞模様リングパターンの高解像度ファイル(A4横) ( 直径8mmの円形ラベルに合うように設計してあります)

使用したラベル: ニチバン マイタック(R)ラベル カラーラベル 直径8mm ML-120

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (July 30)

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (July 31)

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (July 30)

A brief history of phenomenal aspects of the Fraser-Wilcox illusion group

<Kitaoka, A. (forthcoming). The Fraser-Wilcox illusion and its extension. In Shapiro, A. and Todorovic, D. (Eds.), Oxford Compendium of Visual Illusions. Oxford University Press.>

1. Fraser and Wilcox (1979)


Fraser, A. and Wilcox, K. J. (1979). Perception of illusory movement. Nature, 281, 565-566.

Observers saw illusory motion in a stationary image which consists of repeated luminnace gradient in a saw-tooth wave form. Some reported illusory motion from dark to light along a luminance gradient, while others saw the reversal. The illusion is strong in the peripheral viewing. Fraser and Wilcox (1979) claimed that this individual difference depends on some genetic properties.

Adopted from “Alex Fraser, Geneticist and Painter”
(http://doctoralexfraser.blogspot.jp/p/spirals.html) <access August 25, 2012> (with permission from Alan Fraser)

Alex Fraser (1923-2002) was a geneticist and a painter.

2. Faubert and Herbert (1999)

The left disk appears to rotate clockwise while the right one counterclockwise. Faubert and Herbert (1999) reported only illusory motion from dark to light along a luminance gradient. They attributed the illusory motion to the assumed time difference between responses to black and white.


Faubert, J. and Herbert, A. M. (1999). The peripheral drift illusion: A motion illusion in the visual periphery. Perception, 28, 617-621.

3. Naor-Raz and Sekuler (2000)

The left disk appears to rotate clockwise while the right one counterclockwise. Naor-Raz and Sekuler (2000), too, reported only illusory motion from dark to light along a luminance gradient. They revealed that the illusion magnitude is a positive, nearly linear function of contrast.


Naor-Raz, G. and Sekuler, R. (2000). Perceptual dimorphism in visual motion from stationary patterns. Perception, 29, 325-335.

This disk appears to rotate clockwise.

This color illusion image presented by Naor-Raz and Sekuler (2000) (shown below) might be attributable to this type.
http://www.perceptionweb.com/perception/perc0300/sekuler.jpg <access August 26, 2012>
<with permission from Robert Sekuler>

4. Kitaoka and Ashida (2003)

The left disk appears to rotate counterclockwise while the right one clockwise. Kitaoka and Ashida (2003) proposed that the illusory motion is strong when patterns are arranged in the following luminance order: from black, dark-gray, white, light-gray, and back to black.


Kitaoka, A. and Ashida, H. (2003). Phenomenal characteristics of the peripheral drift illusion. VISION (Journal of the Vision Society of Japan), 15, 261-262. PDF

5. Kitaoka (2007)

high-resolution file

Kitaoka (2007) classified the Fraser-Wilcox illusion into Type I, IIa, IIb and III, in each of which the dark-to-light type was distinguished from the light-to-dark one.


Kitaoka, A. (2007) Phenomenal classification of the “optimized” Fraser-Wilcox illusion and the effect of color. Poster presentation in DemoNight, VSS2007, GWiz, Sarasota, Florida, USA, May 14, 2007.

Type I

"Dark to light"

The left disk appears to rotate counterclockwise while the right one clockwise.

"Light to dark"

The left disk appears to rotate counterclockwise while the right one clockwise.

"Dark to light" and "light to dark" combined
The left disk appears to rotate counterclockwise while the right one clockwise.

"Dark to light" and "light to dark" combined, with color enhancement
The left disk appears to rotate counterclockwise while the right one clockwise.

The upper-left, upper-right, and lower-middle disks appear to rotate counterclockwise while the rest clockwise.

Type I (six disks) 1500 x 1000 (pixel)

Type I (six disks) 6000 x 4000 (pixel)



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2013 (January 30)

Type II

Type IIa

The upper-left, upper-right, and lower-middle disks appear to rotate counterclockwise while the rest clockwise.

Type IIb

The upper-left, upper-right, and lower-middle disks appear to rotate counterclockwise while the rest clockwise.

Type IIa (six disks) 1500 x 1007 (pixel)

Type IIa (six disks) 6000 x 4031 (pixel)

Type IIb (six disks) 1500 x 1000 (pixel)

Type IIb (six disks) 6000 x 4000 (pixel)

「最適化型」フレーザー・ウィルコックス錯視・タイプ IIa
Optimized Fraser-Wilcox illusion, Type IIa



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (March 6)



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2012 (December 11)


Type III

The upper row appears to move rightward while the lower one leftward.

Type III (two rows) 1500 x 400 (pixel)

Type III (two rows) 4500 x 1200 (pixel)Type III  4500 x 1200

The upper-left, upper-right, and lower-middle disks appear to rotate counterclockwise while the rest clockwise.

6. Kitaoka (2008a, b)

"Type IV" was added to the list.


Kitaoka, A. (2008a). Optimized Fraser-Wilcox illusions: a pictorial classification by Akiyoshi Kitaoka. Talk in Workshop No.005 "Experimental studies of anomalous motion illusions" in the 72nd Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, September 19, 2008. Talk

Kitaoka, A. (2008b). A new type of the optimized Fraser-Wilcox illusion in a 3D-like 2D image with highlight or shade. Journal of Three Dimensional Images (Japan), 22(4), 31-32. PDF PDF (manuscript) Presentation

Type IV

The upper-left, upper-right, and lower-middle rings appear to rotate counterclockwise while the rest clockwise.

Type dark to light light to dark Examples

7. Kitaoka (2010, 2012a, b)

"Type V" was added to the list.

Black » dark-gray » white » light-gray » black
Purple » light purple » light red-purple » red » purple


Kitaoka, A. (2010). Introduction to visual illusion. Tokyo: Asakura-shoten (in Japanese). Book

Kitaoka, A. (2012a). Designs using the red Fraser-Wilcox illusion. Journal of the Color Science Association of Japan, 36, Supplement, 188-189. PDF (color manuscript) Talk

Kitaoka, A. (2012b) The Fraser-Wilcox illusion and its extension. Perception 41 ECVP Abstract Supplement, page 91 (Poster September 3, 2012). Poster PDF

"Rotating red disks"

Each disk appears to rotate clockwise when this image is presented on a bright PC display or on a print with a bright environment.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2013 (January 17)

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2008 (June 21)



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2008 (December 19)

「不動明王 2012」


Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2012 (December 3)



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2013 (February 6)

「赤とシアンの円盤の回転 3」


Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (January 27)

「赤と緑の円盤の回転 2」


Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (January 27)



Kitaoka, A. (2014). Motion illusion induced by color changes. 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV), Sunport Takamatsu, Takamatsu, Japan, (Poster July 20, 2014 (P2-16)). Poster MS-Word doc file --- Movie demos

< Kitaoka, A. (2014). Motion illusion induced by color changes. Vision, APCV2014, p. 111 (P2-16). >


