Famous reversible figures


since April 1, 2005

<作者の許諾を得て掲載: September 28, 2010>

Created by Nobuyuki Kayahara (茅原伸幸), Hiroshima/Tokyo, Japan in 2003



(c) Nobuyuki Kayahara 2003

(through Visiome)


(Gregory's Darmatian dog)

This image was copied (directly by Akiyoshi) from Gregory's "Eye and Brain", the fifth edition, the Japanese version (2001) (脳と視覚―グレゴリーの視覚心理学― ブレーン出版) page 16. The oldest book I find this image is Gregory's "Intelligent Eye", the Japanese version, published in 1972 (the original was published in 1970) page 13.

脳と視覚・グレゴリーの視覚心理学(近藤倫明・中溝幸夫・三浦佳代訳)(Eye and Brain, the fifth edition)

Life Magazine February 19, 1965, p.120.
(from Rafael Grompone CVNet October 19, 2012)

(Duck-rabbit figure)

There seems to be a rabbit facing right and a duck facing left.

This image was copied from one of Professor John F. Kihlstrom's pages, where he points out that the creater of this image was the American psychologist Joseph Jastrow*.

*Jastrow, J. (1899). The mind's eye. Popular Science Monthly, 54, 299-312.

(My wife and mother-in-law)

Either of a young girl or an old woman ("wife" and "mother in law") appears.

This image was copied from mathworld.wolfram.com, which shows that this image was drawn by British cartoonist W. E. Hill in 1915 in Puck humor magazine, an American magazine inspired by the British magazine Punch. However, there had been such figures before him. It is said that the original was a post card produced in 1888 in Germany.


(Necker cube)

The image appears to be either of the two shown below.

by A.Kitaoka 2005 (February 15)

It is said that this image was developed in 1832 by the Swiss chrystallographer L. A. Necker.



(Face and Liar)

Liar という文字で顔を描いてある。ポール・アグール(Paul Agule)の1987年の作品らしい。 <2011年5月24日>




多義図形・反転図形5 4 3 2 1
