Anomalous motion illusions 27
Caution: This page just contains works of "anomalous motion illusion", which might make sensitive observers dizzy or sick. Should you feel dizzy, you had better leave this page immediately.
since September 15, 2014
"Orange hearts 2"
The second and third rows appear to flow leftward.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (October 26)
"Red-orange-yellow illusion"
The uppermost and third rows appear to move rightward while the rest two leftward.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (October 27)
"Moving oranges"
The uppermost and third rows appear to move rightward while the rest two leftward.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (October 30)
"Sunset sun"
The inset appears to move.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (October 18)
"Dorphins 2"
The upper dorphin appears to move leftward while the lower one rightward.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (September 26)
Four dorphins appear to move leftward while the rest three rightward.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (September 26)
"Whales 2"
The upper whale appears to move rightward while the lower one leftward.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (September 25)
"Tropical fish"
The upper three appear to move leftward while the lower three rightward.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (September 25)
Rows appear to move rightward or leftward.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (September 25)
"Carps 2"
The upper carp appear to move rightward while the lower one leftward.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (September 23)
Carps appear to move rightward or leftward.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (September 23)
"Red columns"
The uppermost and the third rows appear to move leftward, whereas the second and the lowermost rows to move rightward.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (September 23)
The upper whale appears to move leftward while the lower one right.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (September 22)
Fish appear to move rightward or leftward.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (September 22)
"Bistable arrows 3"
The upper half appears to move rightward whereas the lower one to move leftward.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (September 16)
"Bistable arrows 2"
Arrows appear to move rightward or leftward.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (September 15)
"Bistable arrows"
The upper half appears to move rightward whereas the lower one to move leftward.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (September 15)
Anomalous motion illusions #26
Anomalous motion illusions #25
Anomalous motion illusions #24
Anomalous motion illusions #23
Anomalous motion illusions #22
Anomalous motion illusions #21
Anomalous motion illusions #20
Anomalous motion illusions #19
Anomalous motion illusions #18
Anomalous motion illusions #17
Anomalous motion illusions #16
Anomalous motion illusions #15
Anomalous motion illusions #14
Anomalous motion illusions #13
Anomalous motion illusions #12
Anomalous motion illusions #11
Anomalous motion illusions #10
Anomalous motion illusions #9
Anomalous motion illusions #8
Anomalous motion illusions #7
Anomalous motion illusions #6
Anomalous motion illusions #5
Anomalous motion illusions #4
Anomalous motion illusions #3
Anomalous motion illusions #2
Anomalous motion illusions