Anomalous motion illusions 11
Caution: This page just contains works of "anomalous motion illusion", which might make sensitive observers dizzy or sick. Should you feel dizzy, you had better leave this page immediately.
since August 29, 2006
The upper row of fish appears to move rightward while the lower one leftward.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2007 (April 13)
"Moving I"
The upper and lower rows appears to move leftward while the inset appears to shift rightward.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2007 (April 13)
"Red carpet 2"
Patterns appear to move.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2007 (April 13)
Blocks of rectangles appear to move laterally. For those who wear glasses, blocks sometimes appear to tilt.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2007 (April 13)
"Living light"
Light appears to move.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2007 (March 19)
Pansies appear to move up and down.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2007 (March 13)
(reproduced on October 17, 2012 because I found that the original image had been changed to another image)
"Ocean current"
Horizontal lines appear to move rightward or leftward.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2007 (January 28)
Figures appear to sway.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2006 (December 28)
"Fluttering hearts 4"
Hearts appear to flutter. For those those who wear glasses, try to move them; then the hearts appear to move. For the majority, the hearts appear to be in front of the surface of white random dots when they are bright, while they appear to be behind it when they are dark.
Copyright Akiyoshi .Kitaoka 2006 (December 20)
Kitaoka, A. and Ashida, H. (in press) A variant of the anomalous motion illusion based upon contrast and visual latency. Perception new!
Kitaoka, A, Kuriki, I. and Ashida, H. (2006) The center-of-gravity model of chromostereopsis. Ritsumeikan Journal of Human Sciences, 11, 59-64. PDF
Patterns appear to move.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2006 (October 3)
"Sea hares"
The image appears to move.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2006 (August 29)
"Hibernation of snakes"
The image appears to move.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2006 (August 28)
Anomalous motion illusions #10
Anomalous motion illusions #9
Anomalous motion illusions #8
Anomalous motion illusions #7
Anomalous motion illusions #6
Anomalous motion illusions #5
Anomalous motion illusions #4
Anomalous motion illusions #3
Anomalous motion illusions #2
Anomalous motion illusions