Anomalous motion illusions #4

Caution: This page just contains works of "anomalous motion illusion", which might make sensitive observers dizzy or sick. Should you feel dizzy, you had better leave this page immediately.

since April 23, 2005

"Gold river"

The first and third rows appear to move leftward while the second and fourth ones appear to slide rightward.

Copyright Aliyoshi Kitaoka 2005 (September 13)

"Insect capture by frogs"

The blue-and yellow gratings appear to move laterally. The gray lines flanking the gratings are parallel but appear to tilt.

Copyright Aliyoshi Kitaoka 2005 (August 13)

"Ascending blick walls"

The insets appear to move upward.

Copyright Aliyoshi Kitaoka 2005 (August 12)

If the image size is small, a geometrical illusion appear where white square contours appear to be distorted.

"Chochin movement"

The inset appears to move rightward.

Copyright Aliyoshi Kitaoka 2005 (August 4)
(original: August 3, 2004)

"Blue mold"

The blue inset appears to move.

Copyright Aliyoshi Kitaoka 2005 (July 19)

For those who wear glasses, try to swing them.


The inset appears to move.

Copyright Aliyoshi Kitaoka 2005 (July 2)

A remake of the work in 2000

"Momo no sekku 2"*

* The day (3rd March) for cerebration of the growth of young girls

Rows are parallel but appear to tilt clockwise (top, center, bottom) or counterclockwise (the rest two), which is the Zöllner illusion. Moreover, anomalous motion illusion is observed, too.

Copyright Aliyoshi Kitaoka 2005 (July 2)

"Nipple corns"

The image appears to move a little.

Copyright Aliyoshi Kitaoka 2005 (June 8)

"A cicada-crab goblin"

The image appears to move.

Copyright Aliyoshi Kitaoka 2005 (April 27)


UFOs appear to move.

Copyright Aliyoshi Kitaoka 2005 (April 26)

"Conveyance of maruboro"

Maruboro appear to move.

Copyright Aliyoshi Kitaoka 2005 (April 23)

Maruboro are cockies for babies in Japan.

Anomalous motion illusions #3

Anomalous motion illusions #2

Anomalous motion illusions

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