
(Visual Illusion, Attention and Brain)

北岡 明佳 (Akiyoshi Kitaoka, 立命館大学 文学部 心理学専攻email HP

2010/6/10より  講演要旨

Q. What is the illusion?     

A. It is a percept different from the properties of an object as it is.


"Lake Ritsumeikan"


Copyright A.Kitaoka 2004 (August 14)



No lake



Is change blindness an illusion?

"What is changing?"

Only one part keep changing.

Copyright Akiyoshi .Kitaoka 2006 (May 24)



変化の見落としは錯視扱いされる傾向にある。 なぜ?
Change blindness tends to be regarded as something like illusion. Why?

"Change blindness is the striking failure to see large changes that normally would be noticed easily" (Simons and Rensink, 2005)





松田道弘 (2001) 「あそびの冒険 全5巻 4 ミラクル・トランプ・マジック」 ブッキング pp. 33-34


Is "no-change blindness" an illusion?


Only one image does not change. Which is it?


Copyright Akiyoshi .Kitaoka 2007 (May 26)

No change is readily detected without blank.

「不変化の見落とし」は錯視扱いされにくいと思われる。 なぜ?
"No-change blindness" will not be regarded as something like illusion. Why?

Probably because "no-change blindness" is a failure to realize no-change that observers normally would NOT have any idea about.




 If observers suppose that they should notice the change EASILY, change blindness is an illusion because it is actually difficult to notice (perceive) the change. On the other hand, "no-change blindness" does not tend to be an illusion because observers usually do not imagine the situation.  

Hollow face illusion

Gregory, R. L. (1970) The Intelligent Eye. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. (グレゴリー著・金子隆芳訳 インテリジェント・アイ みすず書房 1972年刊)

Schröder, H. (1858) Ueber eine optische Inversion bei Betrachtung verkehrter, durch optische Vorrichtung entworfener physischer Bilder. Annalen der Physik und Chemie, 181, 298-311.

Impossible figure



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2009 (March 13)




Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2009 (March 11)



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2009 (March 15)

ペンローズの三角形(Penrose's triangle)


Perceptual transparency

"Transparent" tower


Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2007 (May 1)

"Transparent" mountain


Copyright Midori Takashima 2007
高島翠さんより, 2007/5/1


北岡明佳のコメント: Adelson-Anandan-Andersonのモデルで言えば、bistable transparency (両義的透明視あるいは二値安定透明視あるいは反転可能透明視)である。

なお、「透明に見える山」の報告はこれが初めてではなく、池田(1993)(関西大学『社会学部紀要』第25巻第1号pp.165-168)によると、大阪府吹田市の一角から遠望した山に見えるとして、写真が載っている。その池田によると、Metzger (1953) に既に載っている。



Kitaoka, A. (2005) A new explanation of perceptual transparency connecting the X-junction contrast-polarity model with the luminance-based arithmetic model. Japanese Psychological Research, 47, 175-187. Reprint or PDF request to me


例えば、透明視(perceptual transparency)は普段は錯視扱いされないが、上図のように錯視扱いされることもある。それは、錯覚というものが、「実在する対象の特性とは異なる知覚」 であることによる。対象の実在性は実は自明のことではなく、「錯視刺激」を知覚する時に既に用意されている知識あるいはスキーマに依存する。この点が、錯視の認知心理学的性質である。

Illusion refers to the misperception that differs from the properties of a real object. Actually, the reality of an object depends on the knowledge or schema of the observer. This point is one of the important aspects of illusion that require cognitive psychology.

Color constancy


Copyright Akiyoshi .Kitaoka 2009 (July 26)


Kitaoka, A. (2010) A brief classification of colour illusions. Colour: Design & Creativity, 5 (3), 1-9.




Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2009 (May 1)



Müller-Lyer illusion


Zöllner illusion




Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (June 25)



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2007 (April 15)



oбoa = オーボエ, taketa = ケーラーの造語taketeを変えたもの, zvezda = 星

Copyright Stevanov, J. 2009 (November 24)
from 安美奈(Jasmina), Department of Psychology, Ritsumeikan University


The image consists of squares.

Copyright A.Kitaoka 1998

市松模様錯視(checkered illusion)

ずれた線の錯視(illusion of shifted lines)

Kitaoka, A. (1998). Apparent contraction of edge angles. Perception, 27, 1209-1219. Scanned PDF request to me

Kitaoka, A., Pinna, B., and Brelstaff, G. (2004). Contrast polarities determine the direction of Café Wall tilts. Perception, 33, 11-20. PDF request to me.

Kitaoka, A. (2007) Tilt illusions after Oyama (1960): A review. Japanese Psychological Research, 49, 7-19 PDF request to me

The limiting case of the Fraser illusion family

In each square, the middle line or edge appears to tilt counterclockwise.

Line-type と Edge-type の上列が phi に相当し、下列が reversed phi に相当する。

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (March 22)

北岡明佳 (2010) 「フレーザー錯視は2種類あった!」 (第43回知覚コロキウム・2010年3月25日(木)~27日(土)・発表日は27日、弥彦グランドホテル) 発表に使用したウェブページ

Motion illusion by visual delay



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2006 (December 20)



「踊るハート達」 (MS-Word ファイル)
北岡明佳 (2006) 色が強くなる錯視 A・F・Tジャーナル, 31 (Summer), pp. 01.

cf. プルフリッヒ効果

低輝度コントラスト→脳内処理時間が長い <our finding!>

1. High-luminance parts show shorter latency than low-luminance part.
2. High-contrast parts show shorter latency than low-contrast part. <our finding!>
Kitaoka, A. and Ashida, H. (2007) A variant of the anomalous motion illusion based upon contrast and visual latency. Perception, 36, 1019-1035. PDF

cf. 踊るハート(fluttering-heart illusion)

(Helmholtz, 1867; Nguyen-Tri and Faubert 2003; von Grünau 1975a, 1975b, 1976; von Kries 1896)

中山明子 (2008) 「踊るハート」錯視(1844)と「踊るハート達」錯視(2006)の比較検証 2008年度立命館大学文学部(人文学科心理学専攻)卒業論文

color changing illusion "Two rings"


Copyright A.Kitaoka 2005 (April 1)


北岡明佳 (2006) 色が強くなる錯視 A・F・Tジャーナル, 31 (Summer), pp. 01.

Kitaoka, A. (2010) A brief classification of colour illusions. Colour: Design & Creativity, 5 (3), 1-9. new!


Latency model of the color changing illusion

supposing that red is perceived faster than blue


Optimized Fraser-Wilcox illusion



Copyright A.Kitaoka 2003 (September 2, 2003)


 黒→濃い灰色→白→薄い灰色→黒 の方向に動いて見える錯視である。

Direction: black → dark-gray → white → light-gray → black

「最適化型」フレーザー・ウィルコックス錯視・タイプ I
Optimized Fraser-Wilcox illusion, Type I



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2008 (March 19)

「最適化型」フレーザー・ウィルコックス錯視・タイプ IIa
Optimized Fraser-Wilcox illusion, Type IIa

「最適化型」フレーザー・ウィルコックス錯視・タイプ III
Optimized Fraser-Wilcox illusion, Type III



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2009 (June 7)

「最適化型」フレーザー・ウィルコックス錯視・タイプ IV
Optimized Fraser-Wilcox illusion, Type III



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2009 (March 24)

赤と紫特有の「最適化型」フレーザー・ウィルコックス錯視・タイプ V
Optimized Fraser-Wilcox illusion, Type V



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2008 (December 18)


Kitaoka, A. (2007) Phenomenal classification of the “optimized” Fraser-Wilcox illusion and the effect of color. Poster presentation in DemoNight, VSS2007, GWiz, Sarasota, Florida, USA, May 14, 2007.

Kitaoka, A. (2008) Optimized Fraser-Wilcox illusions: A pictorial classification by Akiyoshi Kitaoka. Talk in a workshop (WS005) in the 72nd Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, September 19, 2008. Presentation page


北岡明佳著 人はなぜ錯視にだまされるのか? トリック・アイズ メカニズム カンゼン刊

(定価:1,600円(税別) ISBN 978-4-86255-020-0) アマゾンのページ


1. Fraser and Wilcox (1979)

Fraser, A. and Wilcox, K. J. (1979) Perception of illusory movement. Nature, 281, 565-566.

2. Faubert and Herbert (1999)

Faubert, J. and Herbert, A. M. (1999) The peripheral drift illusion: A motion illusion in the visual periphery. Perception, 28, 617-621.

3. Naor-Raz and Sekuler (2000)

Naor-Raz, G. and Sekuler, R. (2000) Perceptual dimorphism in visual motion from stationary patterns. Perception, 29, 325-335.

4. Kitaoka and Ashida (2003)

Kitaoka, A. and Ashida, H. (2003) Phenomenal characteristics of the peripheral drift illusion. VISION (Journal of the Vision Society of Japan), 15, 261-262

Related references

Tomimatsu, E., Ito, H., Seno, T., and Sunaga, S. (2010) The ‘rotating snakes’ in smooth motion do not appear to rotate. Perception, 39, 721-724.

Fermüller, C., Ji, H., and Kitaoka, A. (2010) Illusory motion due to causal time filtering. Vision Research, 50, 315–329.

Kuriki, I., Ashida, H., Murakami, I., and Kitaoka, A. (2008) Functional brain imaging of the Rotating Snakes illusion by fMRI. Journal of Vision, 8(10):16, 1-10.

Hisakata, R. and Murakami, I. (2008) The effects of eccentricity and retinal illuminance on the illusory motion seen in a stationary luminance gradient. Vision Research, 49, 1940-1948.

Beer, A. L., Heckel, A. H. and Greenlee, M. W. (2008) A motion illusion reveals mechanisms of perceptual stabilization. PLoS ONE, 3(7): e2741, 1-7. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002741 Freely available online

Chi, M-T., Lee, T-Y., Qu, Y., and Wong, T-T. (2008) Self-Animating Images: Illusory Motion Using Repeated Asymmetric Patterns. ACM Transaction on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2008), 27, No.3. SIGGRAPH2008 --- Authors' page ---

Scientific American Reports Special Edition on Perception (2008).

Kitaoka, A. and Ashida, H. (2007) A variant of the anomalous motion illusion based upon contrast and visual latency. Perception, 36, 1019-1035. PDF request to Akiyoshi Kitaoka

Newton Press (Ed.), A. Kitaoka (Supervisor) (2007) Newton magazine book: Special issue "How is the brain deceived? Perfect demonstration of visual illusions" Tokyo: Newton Press (in Japanese; published in October 2007). 

Ramachandran, V. S. and Rogers-Ramachandran, D. (2007) A Moving Experience: How the eyes can see movement where it does not exist. Scientific American Mind, February/March, 14-16.

Kitaoka, A. (2007) Phenomenal classification of the “optimized” Fraser-Wilcox illusion and the effect of color. Poster presentation in DemoNight, VSS2007, GWiz, Sarasota, Florida, USA, May 14, 2007.

Murakami, I., Kitaoka, A. and Ashida, H. (2006) A positive correlation between fixation instability and the strength of illusory motion in a static display. Vision Research, 46, 2421-2431. PDF request should be sent to Dr. Murakami

Kitaoka, A. (2006) Anomalous motion illusion and stereopsis. Journal of Three Dimensional Images (Japan), 20, 9-14. PDF (manuscript but the same as the printed one)

Kanazawa, S., Kitaoka, A. and Yamaguchi, M. K. (2006) Infants see the “Rotating Snake” illusion. Dorsal and ventral streams in the visual system (Talk): Monday, 21 August 2006; 12:00-12:30 (29th European Conference on Visual Perception, St-Petersburg, Russia, 20th-25th August, 2006) Abstract

Kitaoka, A., Ashida, H., and Murakami, I. (2005) Does the peripheral drift illusion generate illusory motion in depth? Journal of Three Dimensional Images (Tokyo), 19, 6-8. PDF (scanned copy) (poor quality) --- MS-Word file (manuscript, the same as the paper) (high quality)

Conway, R. B., Kitaoka, A., Yazdanbakhsh, A., Pack, C. C., and Livingstone, M. S. (2005) Neural basis for a powerful static motion illusion. Journal of Neuroscience, 25, 5651-5656. PDF request should be sent to Dr. Conway

Backus, B. T. and Oruç, I. (2005) Illusory motion from change over time in the response to contrast and luminance. Journal of Vision, 5, 1055-1069. http://journalofvision.org/5/11/10/

Kitaoka, A. and Ashida, H. (2003) Phenomenal characteristics of the peripheral drift illusion. VISION, 15, 261-262.PDF

Major models of the "Rotating snakes" illusion (optimized Fraser-Wilcox illusion)
1. Adaptation
Backus, B. T. and Oruç, I. (2005) Illusory motion from change over time in the response to contrast and luminance. Journal of Vision, 5, 1055-1069.
2. Visual delay
Conway, R. B., Kitaoka, A., Yazdanbakhsh, A., Pack, C. C., and Livingstone, M. S. (2005) Neural basis for a powerful static motion illusion. Journal of Neuroscience, 25, 5651-5656.
3. Motion signal asymmetry
Murakami, I., Kitaoka, A. and Ashida, H. (2006) A positive correlation between fixation instability and the strength of illusory motion in a static display. Vision Research, 46, 2421-2431.

I explain the perceptual dimorphism in motion direction as assuming that two independent illusions are involved in the original Fraser-Wilcox illusion.

Type Basic illusion that
motion direction is
from dark to light
Basic illusion that
motion direction is
from light to dark
(click the thumbnail)

"Dark to light" (in gradation) might be stronger.

"Light to dark" might be stronger.

"Dark to light"

"Light to dark"

"Dark to light" and "light to dark" in cooperation

I propose an empirical observation that color might enhance the illusion in some conditions.

Observation 1. The illusion from dark to light is enhanced by red or blue.

Observation 2. The illusion from light to dark is enhanced by yellow or green.

Observation 3. The illusion from dark to light is enhanced by red or blue, while the illusion from light to dark is enhanced by yellow or green. Both illusions work additively.

Optimized Fraser-Wilcox illusion の基本図形

Type I (six) 1500 x 1000

Type I (six) 6000 x 4000

Type I (six) fast type 相当 1500 x 1000

Type IIa (six) fast type 相当 6000 x 4000

Type IIa (six) 1500 x 1007

Type IIa (six) 6000 x 4031

Type IIa (six) fast type 1500 x 1000

Type IIa (six) fast type 6000 x 4000

Type IIb (six) 1500 x 1000

Type IIb (six) 6000 x 4000

Type III  1500 x 400

Type III  4500 x 1200

Spiral illusion



Copyright Akiyoshi .Kitaoka 2006 (June 13)

Kitaoka, A., Pinna, B., and Brelstaff, G. (2001). New variations of spiral illusions. Perception, 30, 637-646.



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (January 11)

Illusion of shifted lines

Kitaoka, A. (2007) Tilt illusions after Oyama (1960): A review. Japanese Psychological Research, 49, 7-19 PDF



オウムガイの例 (水生生物雑記帳)


r = a・θ

描画プログラム(Spiral1a.exe) (ウインドウズ専用)


r = a・exp (k・θ)

描画プログラム(Spiral1.exe) (ウインドウズ専用)


k = 1 / tan (φ)

線パターンによる放射状パターン (φ = 0º)

(radial pattern)


線パターンによる渦巻きパターン (φ = 65º)

(spiral pattern)

線パターンによる同心円パターン (φ = 90º)

(concentric pattern)


Kitaoka, A., Pinna, B., and Brelstaff, G. (2001). New variations of spiral illusions. Perception, 30, 637-646.




