Slope illusion 20
Outdoor tilt illusion where an ascending slope appears to descend or a descending slope appear to ascend
e.g. Magnetic Hill in Canada; Wikipedia
since September 7, 2014
The slope illusion (Magnetic hill) in Radan, Serbia
August 26, 2014, reported by Akiyoshi Kitaoka and Jasmina Stevanov, supported by a Ritsumeikan University grant for Promotion of Internationalization of Research
Thanks to Zorica and László
The nearer slope appears to be a descent though it is actually an ascent.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (August 26) @Ivanje, Radan, Serbia; August 26, 2014
Tamo gde je nebo palo dole
slobodan bubnjević
Tragom senzacionalističke vesti da se na planini Radan, na jugu Srbije, pojavila "gravitaciona anomalija", ekipa "Vremena" i Društva za promociju i popularizaciju nauke obišla je lokaciju na asfaltnom putu u selu Ivanje gde se ugašeni automobili kreću "uzbrdo". Nekoliko jednostavnih fizičkih testova i merenja visine i nagiba terena GPS-om, pokazali su da nema nikakve gravitacione anomalije, već da je tu reč o nečem drugom, malo težem
The car went backward.
This slope appears to be an ascent thought it is actually a descent.
The bottle filled with water rolled away.
The car went backward and away.
When seen from a higher position, the farther slope appears to be an ascent though it is a descent.
The slope around which the car is located appears to be an ascent.
Scenes and maps
Maybe Mt. Radan
Maybe Mt. Sveti Petar
The illusion point can be viewed in the left.
Maybe Ivanje and Mt. Radan
Looking east
Wild strawberries
Scenes when driving there
Maybe Mt. Sveti Petar
Maybe Mts. Sveti Petar and Radan
Maybe Ivanje and Mt. Radan
Just before arrival
Nearly arrival
Seiichi's slope illusion pages
Slope illusion 19 (Illusory slope in Naruto Skyline, Tokushima-prefecture, Japan)
Slope illusion 18 (Mystery Zone in Yashima, Takamatsu, Japan)
Slope illusion 17 (Possible slope illusion in Hokkaido, Japan)
Slope illusion 16 (Illusory slope in Biei, Hokkaido, Japan)
Slope illusion 15 (Roller Coaster Road in Kamifurano, Hokkaido, Japan)
Slope illusion 14 (Illusory slopes in Tsunan and Tokamachi, Niigata, Japan)
Slope illusion 13 (Slope-ascending water in Tsunan-twon, Niigata-prefecture, Japan)
Slope illusion 12 (Slope-ascending water in Ujitawara-town, Kyoto-prefecture, Japan)
Slope illusion 11 (Skewed staicase of the Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park, Shiga, Japan)
Slope illusion 10 (Skewed staicase of Shomaru railway station, Saitama, Japan)
Slope illusion 9 (Illusory slope in Minamitane-town, Tanegashima-island, Kagoshima, Japan)
Slope illusion 8 (Illusory slope in Nakatane-town, Tanegashima-island, Kagoshima, Japan)
Slope illusion 7 (Danjo-zaka and Okyo-zaka in Amakusa-Shimojima, Kumamoto, Japan)
Slope illusion 6 (Slope-ascending river in Miyama, Nantan, Kyoto, Japan)
Slope illusion 5 (Ghost slope in Okagaki, Onga-county, Fukuoka, Japan)
Slope illusion 4 (Slope-ascending water in Tanushimaru, Kurume, Fukuoka, Japan)
Slope illusion 3 (moving-back slope in Hashikami, Aomori, Japan)
Slope illusion 2 (Mysterious slope in Towa, Iwate, Japan)
Slope illusion 1 (Mystery zone in Yashima, Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan, etc.)