Vol.40 北岡明佳レクチャー(2023/10/31開催)


立命館大学総合心理学部 北岡 明佳 email

2023/10/31 より





You might think that this staircase rotates. But, it's not!

The movement of the people going down gives our brains the impression that the staircase turns in the opposite direction.

This is located in San Siro Stadium in Milan, Italy#happyweekend
Source: M. Soltani pic.twitter.com/BR6q01TpK6

— Pascal Bornet (@pascal_bornet) January 8, 2023


1. 古典的な錯視いろいろ

古典的な幾何学的錯視の例。(a)ミュラー=リヤー錯視。上下の水平線分は同じ長さであるが、下の方が長く見える。(b)エビングハウス錯視。リングの中の円は左右同じ大きさであるが、大きい円のリングに囲まれた左の円よりも、小さい円のリングに囲まれた右の円の方が大きく見える。(c)ポンゾ錯視。Λや<の頂点に近い方に置かれた対象が大きく見える。具体的には、2本の水平線分は同じ長さだが、上の方が長く見える。2つの円は同じ大きさだが、左の方が大きく見える。(d)ポッゲンドルフ錯視。2つの斜線は一直線上にあるが、右の斜線の方が上方に変位して見える。(e)ツェルナー錯視。垂直より反時計回りに45度傾いた黒い線は互いに平行だが、交互に傾いて見える。交差する短い線との交差角度の過大視の現象である。(f)へリング錯視(湾曲錯視)。水平線分が曲がって見える。上の線分は上に凸、下の線分は下に凸に見える。(g)ミュンスターベルク錯視。白と黒の正方形の列を図のようにずらして配置し、列の境界に線分を描くと、図ではそれらは水平であるが、交互に傾いて見える。本図のように線が灰色の時は、カフェウォール錯視(Café Wall illusion)と呼ばれることが多い。(h)フレーザー錯視。垂直より反時計回りに45度傾いた仮想線に沿って短い斜線の列が描かれているが、列の傾きは短い斜線の傾きの方向に変位して見える。ツェルナー錯視とは逆の錯視である。(i)フレーザー錯視の渦巻き錯視。フレーザー錯視では、傾いて見えるのは線分であるが、傾いて見える対象を円状に配置した時に観察できる錯視である。具体的には、同心円が渦巻きのように見える。

2. 私のMy illusions or works

No. 1 in popularity

"Rotating snakes"

Disks appear to rotate.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2003

Kitaoka, A. (2017). The Fraser-Wilcox illusion and its extension. A. G. Shapiro and D. Todorović (Eds.), The Oxford Compendium of Visual Illusions, Oxford University Press, pp. 500-511. PDF --- Figures --- PDF (scanned copy)

No. 2

"Primrose field"

The image appears to wave.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2002

No. 3

"Green and blue spirals"

There appear to be spirals of light green or light blue. Actually, they are identical (r = 0, g = 255, b = 150).

Copyright A.Kitaoka 2003

No. 4

"A bulge"

The floor appears to bulge out, though this image consists of only squares.

Copyright A.Kitaoka 1998


This image appears to bulge out, though it consists of squares and rectangles aligned vertically or horizontally.

Copyright A.Kitaoka 1998

No. 5

"Hatpin urchin (pink)"

The image appears to wiggle in the radial direction.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2013 (November 19)

No. 6

"Drifting Emboss illusion"
(sine type)

The inset appears to move.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2016 (February 15)

Recently popular 1

Differences in perceived speed pic.twitter.com/V42VxQDRZ3

— Akiyoshi Kitaoka (@AkiyoshiKitaoka) February 4, 2020


知覚速度自由自在 pic.twitter.com/lHMg6Bv7oG

— Akiyoshi Kitaoka (@AkiyoshiKitaoka) December 19, 2019


Recently popular 2

"Illusory reddish coke can"

The Coca-Cola can appears to be reddish, though it consists of black and white stripes.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2021 (October 13)

Recently popular 3

"Who am I?"

This is a intensely degraded image, but it can be perceived as it is (Mona Lisa).

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2022 (January 30)

Recently popular 4


Columns appear to move.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (January 5)

Sometimes popular 1

(additive color change version)

Edwin Land's two-color method version

Strawberries appear to be reddish, though the pixels are not.

Sometimes popular 2

"Entangling illusion"

The two concentric rings appear to be entangled.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2019 (May 1)

Sometimes popular 3

"Water spirals"

Concentric rings appear to be spirals.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2009 (March 3)

Sometimes popular 4

Some observer sees red in front of blue, and another observer sees blue in front of red. pic.twitter.com/zg4eDTkWCL

— Akiyoshi Kitaoka (@AkiyoshiKitaoka) November 14, 2019


Sometimes popular 5

Mona Lisa is hidden. She is visible when you squint, when you move the image, or when you contract the image.

My favorite 1

"kind of fluttering heart"

The heart apepars to move when the image is swayed.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2019 (September 23)

My favorite 2

"A train that runs with its doors open"

A train appears to move rightward.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2021 (February 9)

北岡明佳 (2021) 「輝度変化による運動錯視(リバースファイなど)の再検討」 (2021年3月2日(火)15:40~16:20・第15回錯覚ワークショップ(Zoom Webinar)) Presentation (html)

Amazing illusion (not my illusion but a popular demo I made) 1

A demo of the kickback illusion

Rectangles appear to wobble when caught in vertical lines, though they move coherently at a constant speed.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2021 (August 17)

Howe, P. D. L., Thompson, P. G., Anstis, S., Sagreiya, H., & Livingstone, M. S. (2006). Explaining the footsteps, belly dancer, Wenceslas and kickback illusions. Journal of Vision, 6, 1396–1405. doi: 10.1167/6.12.5

Kitaoka, A. & Anstis, S. (2021). A review of the footsteps illusions. Journal of Illusion, 2, #5612, 1-22. PDF --- Website --- https://doi.org/10.47691/joi.v2.5612 --- Movies and figures

Amazing illusion (not my illusion but a popular demo I made) 2

"Ninio's extinction illusion"

There are twelve dots at crosses, but only a few dots are visible simultaneously.

Ninio, J. & Stevens, K. A. (2000). Variations on the Hermann grid: an extnction illusion. Perception, 29, 1209-1217.

3. 現実に役に立つ錯視はないか?


3.1 視点フリーのイメージハンプ



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2018 (March 8)



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2018 (March 8)

3.2 静脈錯視を利用した皮下静脈の鮮明化

「静脈錯視:腕 2」


Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (April 24)

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2017 (January 24)



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2018 (September 9) (caption February 12, 2019)


Shapiro, A., Hedjar, L., Dixon, E., and Kitaoka, A. (2018). Kitaoka's tomato: Two simple explanations based on information in the stimulus. i-Perception, 9(1), January-February, 1-9. PDF (open access)



Before (上) After (下)

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (April 27)

Enhancement of the visibility of subcutaneous veins with saturation mapping where low saturated pixels are darkened

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2018 (May 5)

3.3 落書きを素早く隠すゲシュタルト心理学の手法






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バカ  バカ  バカ



Akiyoshi's illusion pages