Miscellanous #6
since June 9, 2007
"Xmas disks 2008
The disks may appear to rotate in the peripheral vision.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2008 (December 22)
"Thunder girl"
(The first image of the movie)
Disks appear to expand or contract. The ring of 'drums' appears to rotate clockwise.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2008 (August 1)
"Thunder girl"
(The second image of the movie)
Disks appear to expand or contract. The ring of 'drums' appears to rotate clockwise.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2008 (August 1)
"Thunder girl"
(The third image of the movie)
Disks appear to expand or contract. The ring of 'drums' appears to rotate clockwise.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2008 (August 1)
"Yellow and red islands"
The yellow disk appears to be smaller than the red one, though they are the same size.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2008 (July 16)
References (Low-contrast objects appear to be smaller than high-contrast ones)
Egusa, H. (1983) Effects of brightness, hue, and saturation on perceived depth between adjacent regions in the visual field. Perception, 12, 167-175.
Farné, M. (1977) Brightness as an indicator to distance: relative brightness per se or contrast with background? Perception, 6, 287-293.
Mount, G. E., Case, H. W., Sanderson, J. W. and Brenner, R. (1956) Distance judgments of colored objects. Journal of General Psychology, 55, 207-214.
"Space direction illusion"
For observers who see this image like a passage, the passage in the upper-left panel appears to point more leftward than that in the lower-right panel, though they are identical. Likewise, the passage in the upper-right panel appears to point more rightward than that in the lower-left panel, though they are identical
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2008 (July 16)
"Optimized Fraser-Wilcox illusion Type IIa disks packed"
Each disk appears to rotate.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2007 (August 31)
"Trick Eyes Lady"
The red hair may appear to expand.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2007 (June 17)
"Trick Eyes"
The upper eyes appear to converge while the lower eyes appear to diverge.
Copyright A.Kitaoka 2004 (June 21)
Wheels or lumps of smoke appear to move.
Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2007 (June 9)