混色の色空間 Color space of color mixture (3)

since August 3, 2024

CGB (C ⇔ white, black ⇔ G, black ⇔ B)

Click this image, then an image of spatial color mixture of CGB with one-pixel width for each primary color appears.

RMB (black ⇔ R, M ⇔ white, black ⇔ B)

Click this image, then an image of spatial color mixture of RMB with one-pixel width for each primary color appears.

RGY (black ⇔ R, black ⇔ G, Y ⇔ white)

Click this image, then an image of spatial color mixture of YRB with one-pixel width for each primary color appears.

RRYB (black ⇔ R, R ⇔ Y, black ⇔ B)

Click this image, then an image of spatial color mixture of RRYB with one-pixel width for each primary color appears.

RGBC (black ⇔ R, black ⇔ G, B ⇔ C) 他4種類

混色の色空間 Color space of color mixture (1)

混色の色空間 Color space of color mixture (2)

混色の色空間 Color space of color mixture (4)

色変換の色空間 Color space of color mixture (1)



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