Color constancy5

since February 13, 2015

Goddamn Colour-Switching Dress (Dress illusion or Dress debate)

According to Stephen Macknik on CVNet on March 7-10:
1. Swiked originally tweeted the image on tumblr on February 25, 2015.
2. She did ask the 2AFC question, not the open ended question:
3. She then retweeted herself on instagram on 2/27 (unless by some freak coincidence there is a different user on Instagram named swiked who just so happened to retweet the tumblr post).

(c) Cecilia Bleasdale 2015

"Original" (Royal-Blue #TheDress Lace Bodycon Dress, Roman Originals, UK)

Akiyoshi Kitaoka talked about this issue in his poster session of the International Symposium on Psychological vs Mathematical Approaches to Optical Illusion held in the Nakano Campus of Meiji University, Tokyo Japan, on March 4-6, 2015.

Kitaoka, A. (2014). Color Illusions Accompanied by Color Constancy Phenomena. Demoes at the Exhibition, International Symposium on Psychological vs Mathematical Approaches to Optical Illusion (Tokyo Symposium on Optical Illusion 2015), Meiji University, Nakano Campus, Tokyo, Japan, March 5-7, 2015. Demo (PDF)

Akiyoshi Kitaoka got Japanese TV interviews there on March 4 and 5 in this regard.

<March 10, 2015>

@budoucha (ぶどう茶) (Twitter)

<March 19, 2015>

Sankei Shimbun March 7, 2015 Evening issue p.8

<March 21, 2015>

Gilchrist, A. (2015). Perception and the social psychology of ‘The Dress’. Perception, on line.

<March 25, 2015>

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2015 (March 25)

Kitaoka, A. (2015). Color Illusions Accompanied by Color Constancy Phenomena. Demoes at the Exhibition, International Symposium on Psychological vs Mathematical Approaches to Optical Illusion (Tokyo Symposium on Optical Illusion 2015), Meiji University, Nakano Campus, Tokyo, Japan, March 5-7, 2015. (part of the poster)

"F. C. Internazionale Milano illusion"

Some of those who see the dress as blue and black see the left stripe image as a uniform of F. C. Internazionale Milano. Moreover, some can label the right brown "black".

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2015 (March 2)

like the image shown below (with apparent deterioration)

(1) Those who saw white and gold were the majority.
(2) There were some age effects. More than two thirds of those who are 40-60 years old saw white and gold. Less than half of those who are 80-99 years old saw white and gold.
(3) There was no sex difference.
*This article does not show the number of participants for each age, so it cannot be judged whether the differences are statistically significant or not.

<March 25, 2015>

Some info

<May 22, 2015>

The Current Biology of the Dress
By Stephen L. Macknik | May 16, 2015

Why Julianne Moore and Taylor Swift See That Dress Differently
By Stephen L. Macknik | February 27, 2015

<June 22, 2015>

Additive color change (giving translucent appearance)

Multiplicative color change (giving transparent appearance)

Loose correspondence between the two types of Adelson-Anandan-Anderson's classification of perceptual transparency and the two types of color changes showing color constancy and color illusion.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2015 (February 21)

Origimal image

Values x and y were obtained using the formula from sRGB to XYZ.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2015 (February 13)

Two-colored image (red 50%)

Color change was given according to sRGB. Gray appears to be bluish.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2015 (February 13)

Additively color-changed image (red 50%)

Red purple appears to be bluish.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2015 (February 13)

Multiplicatively color-changed image (red 50%)

Dark blue appears to be bluish. This image will not be regarded as a color illusion image because of the same hue.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2015 (February 13)

Color constancy 4

Color constancy 3

Color constancy 2

Color constancy 1

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