Color illusion 15

Since February 5, 2014

"Girl with white hair and white clothes and girl with black hair and black clothes: RGB with different luminances"

The hair and clothes in the left image appear to be white whereas those in the right one appear to be black, though the former are actually darker than the latter (the former: R204, G204, B204; the latter: R255, G255, B255).

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2016 (March 20)

"Spatial color mixture: additive, subtractive, and mixed color mixture"

Upper left: the original
Upper right: additive color mixture of spatial color mixture
Lower left: subtractive color mixture of spatial color mixture
Lower right: mixture of additive and subtractive color mixtures of spatial color mixture

The result shows that my new idea does not work.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2016 (January 31)

"Koffka ring of red and cyan stripes"

The ring consists of red and cyan stripes. When it is separated to two halves, the left half ring appears to be white while the right one black.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2015 (September 24)

"Koffka ring of blue and yellow stripes"

The ring consists of blue and yellow stripes. When it is separated to two halves, the left half ring appears to be white while the right one black.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2015 (September 24)

"Koffka ring of black and white stripes"

The ring consists of black and white stripes. When it is separated to two halves, the left half ring appears to be white while the right one black.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2015 (September 24)

"Koffka ring of red and cyan stripes: stripes of 1 pixel width"

The ring consists of red and cyan stripes. When it is separated to two halves, the left half ring appears to be white while the right one black.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2015 (September 24)

"Koffka ring of red and cyan stripes: stripes of 2 pixel width"

The ring consists of red and cyan stripes. When it is separated to two halves, the left half ring appears to be white while the right one black.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2015 (September 24)

"Orange hair and orange clothes versus magenta hair and magenta clothes"

Red hair and red clothes appear to be orange or magenta due to the Munker illusion.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2015 (September 6)

Spatial color mixture (left: additive color mixture, right: subtractive one)

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2015 (August 18)

Spatial color mixture with two colors (left: additive color mixture, right: subtractive one)

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2015 (August 18)

Color mixture (left: additive color mixture, right: subtractive one)

"Green and blue spirals"
(a remake)

There appear to be spirals of light green or light blue. Actually, they are identical (r = 0, g = 255, b = 150).

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2003, 2015 (July 28)

"Simultaneous brightness contrast with red-cyan stripes"

The central square in the left half is the same as that in the right half (they consist of red and cyan stripes), but the former appears to be darker than the latter.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2015 (July 15)

"Café Wall illusion in which white is equal to black"

The apparent white in the left image is the same as the apparent black in the right one. They consist of red and cyan stripes.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2015 (July 15)

"Red flag with spatial color mixture made up of red and cyan (additive color mixture)"

A light-bluish letter 'R' appears to be written in a black flag, but it appears to be white and lie in a red flag when seen in a small display or when seen with blur or motion.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2015 (July 14)

"Mona Lisa with spatial color mixture made up of red and cyan (left: additive color mixture, right: subtractive color mixture)"

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2015 (July 14)

"Mona Lisa with spatial color mixture made up of green and magenta (left: additive color mixture, right: subtractive color mixture)"

"Mona Lisa with spatial color mixture made up of blue and yellow (left: additive color mixture, right: subtractive color mixture)"

"Red flag"

A letter 'R' appears to be written in a black flag, but it appears to lie in a red flag when seen in a small display or when seen with blur or motion.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2015 (April 29)

Original image

"Blue scintillation"

Something blue appears to scintillate in white (actually light magenta) dots.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (December 22)

"Red ring and gray one"

The left ring appears to be reddish while the right one grayish. Actually, the latter is more reddish.

produced Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (November 29)

"Rotating color rings"

The rings of the upper row appear to be blusih whereas those of the lower one to be greenish, though they are the same color (R100, G150, B200). In addition, the former appear to rotate counterclockwise whereas the latter to rotate clockwise.

produced Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (August 16)

"Illusory blue ring"

This image consists of pixels of (slightly reddish) yellow hue, but there appears a blue ring.

produced Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (May 31)

"Illusory blue ring 2"

This image consists of pixels of (slightly reddish) yellow hue, but there appears a blue ring.

produced Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (May 31)

"Illusory light-blue ring"

This image consists of pixels of red hue, but there appears a light-blue ring.

produced Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (May 31)

"Illusory reddish ring"

This image consists of pixels of light-blue (cyan) color, but there appears a reddish ring.

produced Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (May 31)


This image consists of pixels of light-blue (cyan) color, but there appears a reddish ring.

produced Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (May 31)

"Illusory reddish ring 2"

This image consists of pixels of light-blue (cyan) color, but there appears a reddish ring.

produced Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (May 31)

Chromatic scintillating grid illusion

Chromatic variations of the scintillating grid illusion are displayed.

produced Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (February 6)

Chromatic Bergen grid illusion

Chromatic variations of the Bergen grid illusion are displayed.

produced Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (February 7)

Chromatic Hermann grid illusion

Chromatic variations of the Hermann grid illusion are displayed.

produced Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2014 (February 5)

Color illusion 14

Color illusion 13

Color illusion 12

Color illusion 11

Color illusion 10

Color illusion 9

Color illusion 8

Color illusion 7

Color illusion 6

Color illusion 5

Color illusion 4

Color illusion 3

Color illusion 2

Color illusion

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