Classic geometrical illusion 9

since April 24, 2008

"Sound wave"

(A remake)

The image appears to wave though it consists of only squares.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2008 (July 9) (original 1996)

"Kappa, Japanese mischievous river-sprite"

(A remake)

The image appears to wave though it consists of only squares.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2008 (July 9) (original 1996)


(A remake)

The image appears to have curves though it consists of only squares.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2008 (July 9) (original 1996)


(A remake)

The image appears to have curves though it consists of only squares.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2008 (July 9) (original 1996)

"Trap for cockroaches"

(A remake)

The image appears to have curves though it consists of only squares.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2008 (July 9) (original 1996)


(A remake)

The image appears to wave though it consists of only squares.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2008 (July 9) (original 1996)

"Drug abuse"

(A remake)

Vertical or horizontal edges appear to tilt though it consists of only squares that are aligned vertically or horizontally.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2008 (July 9) (original 1996)

"Four circles surrounding illusion"

The left filled circle appears to be smaller than the right, though they are the same size.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2008 (July 9)

"Illusion of the minutes of an assembly in Japan"

Horizontally aligned rows of Chinese chracters appear to tilt.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2008 (June 21)

I think this illusion is attributable to the illusion of shifted edges or the illusion of oblique edges (Kitaoka, 2007).

illusion of shifted edges

illusion of oblique edges

Kitaoka, A. (2007) Tilt illusions after Oyama (1960): A review. Japanese Psychological Research
, 49, 7-19. PDF (see Figures 27 and 28)


Horizontally aligned rows of chromosomes appear to tilt.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2008 (June 16)

Kitaoka, A. (2007) Tilt illusions after Oyama (1960): A review. Japanese Psychological Research, 49, 7-19. PDF (see Figures 27 and 28)

"Da Vinci like Hering illusion"

Parallel lines appear to bulge (= Hering illusion).

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2008 (May 30)

"Fick-thick illusion"

The lower person appears to be thicker than the upper one, though they are the same in size and shape. This effect depends on the Fick illusion and amodal expansion.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2008 (April 24)

References (amodal expansion)

Kanizsa, G. (1972) Schrumpfung von visuellen Feldern bei amodaler Ergänzung. Studia Psychologica, 14, 208-210.

Kanizsa, G. (1975) Amodal completion and phenomenal shrinkage of surfaces in the visual field. Italian Journal of Psychology, 2, 187-195.

Kanizsa, G. (1979) Organization in Vision. New York: Praeger.

Vezzani, S. (1999) Shrinkage and expansion by amodal completion: a critical review. Perception, 28, 935-947

"Tilted roof"

The lower roof appears to be smaller and to be tilted more largely than the upper roof, though they are the same in size and shape.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2008 (April 24)

Classic geometrical illusion 8

Classic geometrical illusion 7

Classic geometrical illusion 6

Classic geometrical illusion 5

Classic geometrical illusion 4

Classic geometrical illusion 3

Classic geometrical illusion 2

Classic geometrical illusion 1

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