単純色作成プログラム(Simple color maker)
made by Akiyoshi Kitaoka, January 30, February 14, 18, 24, March 1, 4,
7, May 28, September 18, October 1, 8, 9, 2022, April 12, 13, June 4, September
22, 2023
R G B W px H px
キー操作ができます。R値は Q でダウン、W でアップです。G値 は E でダウン、R でアップです。B値 は T でダウン、Y でアップです。
(R value decreases with key Q and increases with key W. G value decreases
with key E and increases with key R. B value decreases with key T and increases
with key Y.)
参考 その色相で最も鮮やかな色(the color of the hue of the highest chroma)