Coloe helix by Akiyoshi Kitaoka, March 18, 19, 20, April 1, 2023, February 6, 2024

distance to the helix origin (0 fixed)

radius  interval   

field of view (side length) deg  zoom x     num of arms

color 1 R:   G:   B:

color 2 R:   G:   B:

 file name (header name) to auto-save   

phase shift (0-359)  counter:   number of frames:   

auto demo:   interval ms 


no use  step deg   first angle deg

no use        <- shift    

View from the top

  dot size    



RGBを指定(整数) R:   G:   B:

HCVを指定(実数) Hue:   Chroma:   Value:


--- Akiyoshi's illusion pages

備考 JavaScript-HCV-distrubution01q.html を改変。(2022/12/15)


Vertical section (no use)

右半分の色相を指定 hue: deg (0-359)   dot size (no use)  dot density (no use)


画像をクリックすると、その画素の色を分析・表示します。 (eyedropper tool)

auto demo:   step deg  interval ms  first hue deg 

JavaScript-Benhamtop01z.html を改変 2023/3/18