Distribution of colors in the Yxy (CIE xy) color space made by Akiyoshi
Kitaoka, June 20, 21, 24, 26, August 14, 2022, March 16, May 9, 2023
View from the top
dot size
central hue: deg (0-359) dot size
file name (header name) to auto-save
Lateral view
RGBを指定(整数) R: G: B:
HCVを指定(実数) Hue: Chroma: Value:
備考 JavaScript-LAB-distrubution01b.html を改変して作成開始。(June 6, 2022)
Vertical section (no use)
右半分の色相を指定 hue: deg (0-359) dot size (no use) dot density (no use)