4-stroke motion (mixed type) (16 frames) by Akiyoshi Kitaoka, Novenber
9, 2023
file name (header name) to auto-save
phase shift (0 - number of frames) counter: number of frames (fixed):
number of dots dot size
field of view (side length) (no use) deg zoom x (no use)
no use step deg first angle deg
no use
View from the top
dot size
RGBを指定(整数) R: G: B:
HCVを指定(実数) Hue: Chroma: Value:
備考 JavaScript-HCV-distrubution01q.html を改変。(2022/12/15)
Vertical section (no use)
右半分の色相を指定 hue: deg (0-359) dot size (no use) dot density (no use)
JavaScript-helix02g.html 2023/3/21