錯覚の解明・創作・応用への諸アプローチ 第16回錯覚ワークショップ 


立命館大学総合心理学部 北岡 明佳 email 2022/2/26 より

古典的な幾何学的錯視の例。(a)ミュラー=リヤー錯視。上下の水平線分は同じ長さであるが、下の方が長く見える。(b)エビングハウス錯視。リングの中の円は左右同じ大きさであるが、大きい円のリングに囲まれた左の円よりも、小さい円のリングに囲まれた右の円の方が大きく見える。(c)ボンゾ錯視。Λや<の頂点に近い方に置かれた対象が大きく見える。具体的には、2本の水平線分は同じ長さだが、上の方が長く見える。2つの円は同じ大きさだが、左の方が大きく見える。(d)ポッゲンドルフ錯視。2つの斜線は一直線上にあるが、右の斜線の方が上方に変位して見える。(e)ツェルナー錯視。垂直より反時計回りに45度傾いた黒い線は互いに平行だが、交互に傾いて見える。交差する短い線との交差角度の過大視の現象である。(f)へリング錯視(湾曲錯視)。水平線分が曲がって見える。上の線分は上に凸、下の線分は下に凸に見える。(g)ミュンスターベルク錯視。白と黒の正方形の列を図のようにずらして配置し、列の境界に線分を描くと、図ではそれらは水平であるが、交互に傾いて見える。本図のように線が灰色の時は、カフェウォール錯視(Café Wall illusion)と呼ばれることが多い。(h)フレーザー錯視。垂直より反時計回りに45度傾いた仮想線に沿って短い斜線の列が描かれているが、列の傾きは短い斜線の傾きの方向に変位して見える。ツェルナー錯視とは逆の錯視である。(i)フレーザー錯視の渦巻き錯視。フレーザー錯視では、傾いて見えるのは線分であるが、傾いて見える対象を円状に配置した時に観察できる錯視である。具体的には、同心円が渦巻きのように見える。

Kitaoka, A. (2010) Tilt illusions and anomalous motion illusions. (talk in the RIKEN BSI on July 2, 2010) Presentation (html)

Tilt illusion is a subcategory of geometrical illusion, in which lines or edges appear to tilt clockwise or counterclockwise. (e.g., Zöllner illusion, Fraser illusion, Café Wall illusion)

Anomalous motion illusion refers to motion illusion in a stationary image, in which part of the stationary image appears to move. (e.g., Ouchi illusion, Enigma illusion, optimized Fraser-Wilcox illusion)

Some* types of tilt illusions are accompanied by anomalous motion illusion. (e.g., Illusion of Y-junctions)

*Later, I have realized that most of tilt illusions (including the Fraser illusion and the Café Wall illusion) share the same image with anomalous motion illusion.

"The autumn color swamp"

The inset appears to move.

Copyright A.Kitaoka 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010


The two concentric arrays of stars appear to rotate in the different directions when we approach or move away from the figure while fixating at the center.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2000, 2010


Illusion of Y-junctions

The elemental image as the tilt illusion

The horizontal edge on which black or white stars are placed appears to tilt counterclockwise.

Kitaoka, A., Pinna, B., and Brelstaff, G. (2001). New variations of spiral illusions. Perception, 30, 637-646.

Kitaoka, A., Pinna, B., and Brelstaff, G. (2004). Contrast polarities determine the direction of Cafe Wall tilts. Perception, 33, 11-20.

The elemental image as anomalous motion illusion

The inset appears to move. When the retinal image is moved vertically, the inset appears to move horizontally. When the retinal image is moved horizontally, the inset appears to move vertically.


Today's talk
1. "Discovery" of the Fraser illusion family
2. Anomalous motion illusion accompanied by tilt illusion
3. A speculation of the "Rotating snakes" illusion

§1. "Discovery" of the Fraser illusion family

Fraser illusion

"Twisted cords" are horizontally aligned but appear to tilt alternately. The apparent tilt is the same orientation as the tilt of each obliques.

Drawn by Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (March 20)

Fraser, J. (1908) A new visual illusion of direction. British Journal of Psychology, 2, 307-320.

Fraser's spiral
(spiral illusion of the Fraser illusion)

Concentric circles of "twisted cords" appear to be spirals.

Drawn by Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (March 20)

Fraser, J. (1908) A new visual illusion of direction. British Journal of Psychology, 2, 307-320.


In December 2009, I developed a "new" illusion (though it essentially was not new), which I called the "pseudo Fraser illusion".

"Pseudo Fraser spirals"

Concentric rings appear to be spirals.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2009 (December 17)

Psudo-Fraser illusion
("Fraser's Café Wall" illusion)

The middle lines are horizontally aligned but appear to tilt alternately. The apparent tilt is counterclockwise, clockwise, and so on from the top row.

Drawn by Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (March 20)

Pseudo-Fraser's spiral
(spiral illusion of the "Fraser Café Wall" illusion)

Concentric circles of "twisted cords" appear to be spirals.

Drawn by Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (March 20)

Q. What are the differences between the Fraser illusion and the pseudo-Fraser illusion?

A. There are three factors involved:

1. whether the inducers are obliques (Fraser illusion) or not (pseudo-Fraser illusion)
2. whether the inducers are only lines (Fraser illusion) or combination of lines and edges (pseudo-Fraser illusion)
3. whether the inducers are two (Fraser illusion) or four (pseudo-Fraser illusion)

1. whether the inducers are obliques (Fraser illusion) or not (pseudo-Fraser illusion)

Finding: There are counterparts of the Fraser illusion as well as the pseudo-Fraser illusion, respectively

Fraser illusion

"Twisted cords" are horizontally aligned but appear to tilt alternately. The apparent tilt is the same orientation as the tilt of each obliques.

Drawn by Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (March 20)

Fraser, J. (1908) A new visual illusion of direction. British Journal of Psychology, 2, 307-320.

The counterpart of the Fraser illusion

Illusion of shifted lines

Rows of middle line segments are horizontally aligned but appear to tilt alternately. The apparent tilt is counterclockwise, clockwise, and so on from the top row.

Drawn by Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (March 20)

Kitaoka, A. (2007) Tilt illusions after Oyama (1960): A review. Japanese Psychological Research, 49, 7-19.

Psudo-Fraser illusion
("Fraser's Café Wall" illusion)

The middle lines are horizontally aligned but appear to tilt alternately. The apparent tilt is counterclockwise, clockwise, and so on from the top row.

Drawn by Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (March 20)

The counterpart of the pseudo-Fraser illusion

The patterns like "twisted cords" are horizontally aligned but appear to tilt alternately. The apparent tilt is the same orientation as the tilt of each obliques.

Drawn by Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (March 20)

2. whether the inducers are only lines (Fraser illusion) or combination of lines and edges (pseudo-Fraser illusion)

Finding: There are three groups in this sense, only lines, combinations of lines and edges, and only edges, respectively

Lines only

Fraser illusion

"Twisted cords" are horizontally aligned but appear to tilt alternately. The apparent tilt is the same orientation as the tilt of each obliques.

Drawn by Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (March 20)

Fraser, J. (1908) A new visual illusion of direction. British Journal of Psychology, 2, 307-320.

Combination of lines and edges

"Cafe Wall Fraser" illusion

The patterns like "twisted cords" are horizontally aligned but appear to tilt alternately. The apparent tilt is the same orientation as the tilt of each obliques.

Drawn by Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (March 20)

Fraser, J. (1908) A new visual illusion of direction. British Journal of Psychology, 2, 307-320.

Edges only

Illusion of oblique edges

Rows of oblique edges are horizontally aligned but appear to tilt alternately. The apparent tilt is the same orientation as the tilt of each obliques.

Drawn by Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (March 20)

Kitaoka, A. (2007) Tilt illusions after Oyama (1960): A review. Japanese Psychological Research, 49, 7-19.

3. whether the inducers are two (Fraser illusion) or four (pseudo-Fraser illusion)

Finding: The basic components of the Fraser illusion can be counted four to match the pseudo-Fraser illusion. In the same way, The basic components of the pseudo-Fraser illusion can be counted two to match the Fraser illusion. Thus, this factor is not essential for tilt illusion.

Fraser illusion

"Twisted cords" are horizontally aligned but appear to tilt alternately. The apparent tilt is the same orientation as the tilt of each obliques.

Drawn by Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (March 20)

Fraser, J. (1908) A new visual illusion of direction. British Journal of Psychology, 2, 307-320.

The counterpart of the Fraser illusion

Fraser illusion

"Twisted cords" are horizontally aligned but appear to tilt alternately. The apparent tilt is the same orientation as the tilt of each obliques.

Drawn by Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (March 20)

Fraser, J. (1908) A new visual illusion of direction. British Journal of Psychology, 2, 307-320.

Psudo-Fraser illusion
("Fraser's Café Wall" illusion)

The middle lines are horizontally aligned but appear to tilt alternately. The apparent tilt is counterclockwise, clockwise, and so on from the top row.

Drawn by Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (March 20)

The counterpart of the pseudo-Fraser illusion

Psudo-Fraser illusion
("Fraser's Café Wall" illusion)

The middle lines are horizontally aligned but appear to tilt alternately. The apparent tilt is counterclockwise, clockwise, and so on from the top row.

Drawn by Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (March 20)

cf. Fraser, J. (1908) A new visual illusion of direction. British Journal of Psychology, 2, 307-320.

Conclusion: The Fraser illusion family consists of six (3 x 2) illusions.


Q. How is the pseudo-Fraser illusion related to the Café Wall illusion?

A. I think they are essentally the same illusion.

The pseudo-Fraser illusion (left) and the Café Wall illusion (right)

Café Wall illusion: a standard image

cf. Gregory, R. L. and Heard, P. (1979) Border locking and the Café Wall illusion. Perception, 8, 365-380.

Q. Does tilt illusion occur where contast polarity changes?

A. Yes, as if it were the reversed phi (the direction opposite to the shift).

(Illusion of oblique edges)

(Illusion of shifted lines)


"Derby man tilt illusion"

Horizontally aligned rows of "derby men" appear to tilt alternately. From the top, counterclockwise, clockwise, and so on.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (March 21)

My idea: There are eight fundamental combinations of basic components.
(I imagine that neurons with receptive fields like these play a part)

(The limiting case of the Fraser illusion family)

In each gray square, the middle line or edge appears to tilt counterclockwise.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (March 22)

In addition: Café Wall illusion can be explained with this idea.

Café Wall illusion: a standard image

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (March 22)

Kitaoka, A., Pinna, B., and Brelstaff, G. (2004) Contrast polarities determine the direction of Café Wall tilts. Perception, 33, 11-20.

Kitaoka, A. (2010). The Fraser illusion family and the corresponding motion illusions. 33rd European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2010), EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2010/8/22-26, 8/26 poster publication. Poster (Kitaoka, A. (2010) The Fraser illusion family and the corresponding motion illusions. Perception, 39, Supplement, #61, p. 178)

§2. Anomalous motion illusion accompanied by tilt illusion


obake = ghost; hime = princess or girl

The face appears to expand; the group of bats appears to rotate counterclockwise. This is Professor Mather's four-stroke motion.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2009 (August 10)

Professor Mather's demonstration is the best.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (March 22)

(Reversed phi only)

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (March 22)

Reversed phi movement (Anstis and Rogers 1975). There are four rectangles, each of which is flanked by thin lines that are dark or light. When the luminance of the rectangles decreases and that of the background increases accordingly, the upper two appear to converge in motion while the lower two appear to go apart in motion. On the other hand, when the luminance of the rectangles increases and that of the background decreases accordingly, the upper two appear to go apart in motion while the lower two appear to approach each other in motion. In sum, the direction of apparent motion is from the dark flank to the neighboring part that goes darkening or from the light flank to the neighboring part that goes brightening. Although the rectangles are aligned vertically, the apparent positional displacement occurs in the opposite direction to motion. If observers cross-fuse (uncross-fuse) the right and left rectangles, the upper rectangle appears to be in front of (behind) the lower one when they are dark.

Flash(swf) --- QuickTime(mov)

Kitaoka, A. (2006) Configurational coincidence among six phenomena: A comment on van Lier and Csathó (2006). Perception, 35, 799-806. animations

Anstis S M, 1970 “Phi movement as a subtraction process” Vision Research 10 1411-1430

Anstis S M, Rogers B J, 1975 “Illusory reversal of visual depth and movement during changes of contrast” Vision Research 15 957-961

4-stroke motion corresponding to the Line Type

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (March 22)

Finding: The direction of motion is the same as the tilt illusion.

<Mather's four-stroke motion>

Mather, G. and Murdoch, L. (1999) Second-order processing of four-stroke apparent motion. Vision Research, 39, 1795-1802.

cf. van Lier R, Csathó Á, 2005 “Dancing shapes: A comparison of luminance induced distortions” Perception, 35, 775 – 798.

4-stroke motion corresponding to the Edge Type

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (March 22)

Finding: The direction of motion is the same as the tilt illusion.

<Mather's four-stroke motion>

cf. van Lier R, Csathó Á, 2005 “Dancing shapes: A comparison of luminance induced distortions” Perception, 35, 775 – 798.

4-stroke motion corresponding to the Mixed Type

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (March 22)

Finding: The direction of motion is the same as the tilt illusion.

<Takeuchi's four-stroke motion>
Takeuchi, T. (1997) The motion analogue of the cafe wall illusion. Perception, 26, 569-584.

Then, anomalous motion illusions that coexist in tilt illusion images can be explained in this context.

When the retinal image slides in the special direction, the orientation along which the tilt illusion occurs, the four-stroke motion is induced and anomalous motion illusion is observed.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (June 26)



The inset appears to move.

Copyright Aliyoshi Kitaoka 2005 (July 2)

Explanation of the illusion of Y-junctions

Drawn by Aliyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (June 25)

(Takeuchi's four-stroke motion)

<Two dimensional displays>

Illusion of Y-junctions

Kitaoka, A., Pinna, B., and Brelstaff, G. (2001). New variations of spiral illusions. Perception, 30, 637-646.

Kitaoka, A., Pinna, B., and Brelstaff, G. (2004). Contrast polarities determine the direction of Cafe Wall tilts. Perception, 33, 11-20.

Pinna Illusion

Pinna, B. and Brelstaff, G. J. (2000) A new visual illusion of relative motion. Vision Research, 40, 2091-2096.

Explanation of the Pinna illusion

New: This idea led me to produce a novel illusion "spine drift illusion".

"Spine drift illusion"

The inset appears to move.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (June 4)

"Spine drift illusion"

The inset appears to move.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (July 6)



"Spine drift illusion with the illusion of shifted lines"

The inset appears to move.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (June 5)

"Hamburger drift illusion"

The inset appears to move.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (June 6)

Gabor patches with a special carrier/envelope ratio render anomalous motion illusion.

Gabor patch drift illusion (Gurnsey-Morgan illusion)

The inset appears to move.

Drawn by Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2007 (August 8)


cf. Popple illusion (phase-shift illusion)

Popple, A. V. and Levi, D. M. (2000) A new illusion demonstrates long-range processing. Vision Research, 40, 2545-2549.
Popple, A. V. and Sagi, D. (2000) A Fraser illusion without local cues? Vision Research, 40, 873-878.



"Drifting Emboss illusion"
(sine type)

The inset appears to move.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2016 (February 15)

北岡明佳 (2021) 「輝度変化による運動錯視(リバースファイなど)の再検討」 (2021年3月2日(火)15:40~16:20・第15回錯覚ワークショップ(Zoom Webinar)) Presentation (html)



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2021 (February 9)



100 ms /frame



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2020 (March 22)

100 ms/frame



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2020 (March 12)

Reference: http://www.georgemather.com/MotionDemos/FourstrokeMP4.html

Mather, G. and Murdoch, L. (1999) Second-order processing of four-stroke apparent motion. Vision Research, 39, 1795-1802.



左のリングは反時計回りに、右のリングは時計回りに回転して見える。(200 ms / frame)

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2021 (February 22)

背景を灰色に固定しても、この錯視は見える。(200 ms / frame)

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2021 (February 22)

輝度の順番を変えずに色を付けても、この錯視は見える。(200 ms / frame)

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2021 (February 22)

(100 ms / frame)


Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2021 (February 22)


普通に考えれば、Mather の four-stroke apparent motion であろうか? 論文は1999年に出ているが、その数年前には学会発表等でデモされていたと思われる(いずれMather先生に伺おうと思います)。

Reference: http://www.georgemather.com/MotionDemos/FourstrokeMP4.html

Mather, G. and Murdoch, L. (1999) Second-order processing of four-stroke apparent motion. Vision Research, 39, 1795-1802.


スーパー錯視ブラザーズ pic.twitter.com/bLkFhBOCeU

— じゃがりきん (@jagarikin) November 20, 2020



最古の無限運動錯視デモの掲載されているウェブページ → movie7.html (ページの空白部分は、見れなくなった Flash デモがあるところ)

その動画 → Edgetype4strokemotion2.gif (どきついので、閲覧注意)

Anstis のスポーク車輪錯視(illusory totation of a spoked wheel)は、論文は2011年、学会発表は2000年頃らしい。

「スポーク車輪錯視(spoked wheel illusion)の再現」

灰色のスポークは静止しているが、背景の5方向の放射パターンが時計回り回転するのに対して、反時計回りに回転して見える。この運動残効は、5方向放射パターンの実運動の反対方向ではなく、灰色のスポークの錯視的運動の反対方向に起こる(Anstis & Rogers, 2011)。

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2021 (February 13)

Anstis, S. M. & Rogers, B. (2011). Illusory rotation of a spoked wheel. i-Perception, 2, 720–723. https://doi.org/10.1068/i0483

Reverse Spoke Illusion from Michael Bach https://michaelbach.de/ot/mot-spokes/index.html

For the positive motion aftereffect, see

Nishida, S. & Sato, T. (1992). Positive motion after-effect induced by bandpass-filtered random-dot kinematograms. Vision Research, 32, 1635-1646. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/004269899290156D?via%3Dihub



灰色のスポークは静止しているが、背景の白黒の放射パターンが時計回り回転するのに対して、反時計回りに回転して見える。この運動残効は、放射パターンの実運動の反対方向ではなく、灰色のスポークの錯視的運動の反対方向に起る(Takeuchi, 1997)。

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2021 (February 13)

Takeuchi, T. (1997) The motion analogue of the café wall illusion. Perception, 26, 569-584. https://doi.org/10.1068/p260569

Takeuchi (1997) が指摘した灰色の線が動いて見える錯視とカフェウォール錯視(上図では、垂直の灰色の線が反時計回りに傾いて見える)との類似性

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2021 (February 23)

スポーク車輪錯視とカフェウォール錯視に似た錯視(ずれたグラデーションの錯視)(Kitaoka, 1998)(上図では、垂直の灰色の線が反時計回りに傾いて見える)との類似性

Kitaoka, A. (1998). Apparent contraction of edge angles. Perception, 27, 1209-1219. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1068/p271209

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2021 (February 23)

4フレームのリバースファイの「無限運動」と市松模様錯視(Kitaoka, 1998)(上図では、垂直の線分列が反時計回りに傾いて見える)との類似性

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2021 (February 24)

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2021 (February 11)

16フレームのリバースファイの「無限運動」と「メタルウォール錯視」(Kitaoka, 2010)(上図では、垂直の輝度勾配のある細い線が反時計回りに傾いて見える)との類似性

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2021 (February 24)


突然ですが回転させると大きさが変化して見えるリングを考案しました pic.twitter.com/4GgHO7LHeF

— じゃがりきん (@jagarikin) February 19, 2020

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2021 (March 1)

ところで、Mather の 4-stroke apparent motion には、どういう傾き錯視が対応するか?


*この形態は「ずれた線の錯視」(illusion of shfted lines)(Kitaoka, 2007)(上図では、垂直に配列したずれた線分列が反時計回りに傾いて見える)である。

Fraser, J. (1908). A new visual illusion of direction. British Journal of Psychology, 2, 307-320.

Kitaoka, A. (2007). Tilt illusions after Oyama (1960): A review. Japanese Psychological Research, 49, 7-19.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2021 (February 24)


*この形態は「ずれたエッジの錯視」(illusion of shfted lines)(Kitaoka, 2007)(上図では、垂直に配列したずれたエッジの列が反時計回りに傾いて見える)である。

(100 ms / frame)

(30 ms / frame)

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2021 (March 1)


*この形態は「ずれたエッジの錯視」(illusion of shfted lines)とモンタルボ錯視(Montalvo illusion)**(Lavatory Wall illusionともいう)の組み合わせ(上図では、垂直に配列した境界が反時計回りに傾いて見える)である。

**Kitaoka, A. (2007). Tilt illusions after Oyama (1960): A review. Japanese Psychological Research, 49, 7-19.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2021 (March 1)


(a) and (b): reverse phi; (c) phi

Kitaoka, A. (2006). Configurational coincidence among six phenomena: A comment on van Lier and Csathó (2006). Perception, 35, 799-806. (Figure 6)


境界の細線の輝度を変えることによる運動錯視と縞模様コードの錯視(Kitaoka, 1998)との類似性(全18フレーム)

Kitaoka, A. (1998). Apparent contraction of edge angles. Perception, 27, 1209-1219. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1068/p271209

(80 ms / frame)

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2021 (March 1)

(30 ms / frame)

「運動視と傾き錯視が密接に関係する一連の静止画が動いて見える錯視があるが、それらの話題はまた別の機会に。」(北岡, 2021)




Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2016 (September 1)



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2016 (September 2)



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2016 (September 2)



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2016 (September 2)



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2011 (February 1)



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2010 (April 2)




Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2016 (May,2) (February 28, 2022)


Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2016 (May,2) (February 28, 2022)



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2022 (February 28)

"Café Wall wave"

Vertically and horizontally aligned gray lines appear to be wavy.

Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2011 (February 1)

"to move"

to slide or to wobble?

北岡明佳 (2012) 計算可能な錯視の探索的検討 (第4回錯覚ワークショップ 明治大学駿河台キャンパス アカデミーコモン9階 講義室309A・2012年3月14日(水)15:30-16:20) 発表に使用したウェブページ


Kitaoka, A. (2014). Visual illusion in ARTPOP and pop art. Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science, 32(2), 232-234. PDF

オンオフさせると動いて見える。(2フレームで構成。1フレームは、150 ms)

オフの方が重要? (2フレームで構成。1フレームは、2000 ms)



Copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka 2020 (June 6)







(The end)

Thank you!  


Akiyoshi's illusion pages



日時 : 2022年3月2日(水)、3日(木)

開催方法 :







一川 誠(千葉大学)






スリーピァン ピーラヤー*(芝浦工業大学)、山口泰(東京大学)



日髙昇平*(北陸先端科学技術大学院大学)、金山春香 (北陸先端科学技術大学院大学)





後藤倬男・田中平八(編)(2005) 錯視の科学ハンドブック 東京大学出版会


北岡明佳 (2010) 錯視入門 朝倉書店
