Adelson-Anandan-Anderson's X-junction model of perceptual transparency

Adelson, E. H., & Anandan, P. (1990). Ordinal characteristics of transparency. Paper presented at the AAAI-90 Workshop on Qualitative Vision, July 29, 1990, Boston, MA.

Anderson, B. L. (1997). A theory of illusory lightness and transparency in monocular and binocular images: the role of contour junctions. Perception, 26, 419-453.

(a) Unique transparency that follows Metelli's (1974) formula, in which gray bars are seen transparent and perceived as if they were located in front of the horizontal black occluder. Since the apparent depth order is unique, this type is called unique transparency. (b) The figure invalid for transparency. (c) Bistable transparency, in which the vertical grating can be seen either in front of or behind the occluder. Arrows indicate contrast polarity ("lighter than").
<Kitaoka, A., Gyoba, J., Kawabata, H., and Sakurai, K. (2001). Perceptual continuation and depth in visual phantoms can be explained by perceptual transparency. Perception, 30, 959-968.>


Kitaoka, A. (2005) A new explanation of perceptual transparency connecting the X-junction contrast-polarity model with the luminance-based arithmetic model.. Japanese Psychological Research, 47, 175-187.

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